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Dewangga Sakti Satria Kinasi, Highest Unas Winner for Junior High School in Banyuwangi Regency

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SUBSCRIBE to the class champion since elementary school (SD) until junior high school did not make Dewangga Sakti Satria Kinasih proud and satisfied. Son of a husband and wife (couple) Kasturi Anto Widoyo, 45, and Sukorinik, 40, it continues to study hard.

In order to improve their academic ability, Since sitting in fourth grade, Dewangga Elementary School has been following tutoring at home and to teachers at school. For that effort, even though I'm just in class V SD, has repeatedly participated in various elementary level olympiad events held by elementary and junior high schools in Banyuwangi Regency.

"If the certificates and certificates of appreciation are still in elementary school, there are already many,"said Dewangga when met at SMPN 1 Cluring yesterday (13/6). Dewangga never expected to get the highest score in the national exam (nail) Junior High School in Banyuwangi Regency.

Because, when taking a trial for the junior high school national exam held at SMAN 1 Rooftile, on 30 April 2016, he only won third place with a value of 32,86. "I just focus and try as much as I can during the unas", the rest pray and surrender to God,"Said Dea's sister Amanda Caressa.

Good news if you get the highest score for SMP in Banyuwangi Regency, just heard on friday night (10/6) from a short message sent by one of the teacher council. In a short message via mobile phone (HP) that, notified to come to school receive graduation announcement.

“I only found out the value after coming to school Saturday morning (11/6), but don't know if it's the highest in Banyuwangi,"said the student who is now planning to continue his education to SMAN 1 That tile. He and his parents immediately prostrated in gratitude, after receiving the news that the best passing grade.

Especially, His name was also announced in the Jawa Pos Radar Banyuwangi daily in the Sunday edition (12/6) as the winner of the highest unas score at the junior high school level in Banyuwangi Regency. "I'm only sure if you get the highest unas score after reading the Jawa Pos Radar Banyuwangi newspaper","explained the student who aspires to become a specialist doctor.

Then what are the tips to achieve the highest unas?, Dewangga who while studying at SMPN 1 Cluring it costs at home, New. Sugiati, One of the teachers who lives in the Village/Sub-district of Cluring admits that he doesn't have any special tips. It is just, every time the exam always comes home, and go to school from home after Fajr.

“Every day I cost, but when it comes to exams I always go home to get blessings and prayers from both parents," he explained. Since sitting in fourth grade elementary school, in his family already has a habit that is now a tradition, namely performing tahajud prayers in congregation with the family. Besides that, fasting monday and thursday, especially before and during school exams.

"It's so old 10 year, we have made it a habit to pray five times a day and pray sunnah,said Kasturi Anto Widoyo, Dewangga's biological father. Kasturi delivered her second child, have an unnatural habit while studying before the exam. That is, if you study always while watching TV.

That's a strange habit that can't be done at his boarding house. "Since elementary school, if you want to take an exam, study while watching TV, but look can be serious,”Explained Kasturi. In the school environment, Dewangga is known as an intelligent student, polite, polite, compliant, respect the teacher, and humble.

A number of teacher councils and friends in class IX, know him very well. Especially in SMP 1 Cluring, there is also a peer tutoring program, i.e. superior class students guide friends in other classes. Head of SMPN 1 Cluring, Sudarman, said that so far the teacher's role has been optimized in providing knowledge and time for students.

The school also provides study guidance (tutoring). Every student enters at 06.00 to follow tutoring, and beat 06.45 must read the Koran, Greetings, and asmaul husna. “Even though there is no teacher supervising, students are already walking to read the Koran, Greetings, and Asmaul Husna himself in class. So as soon as they graduate, each child has finished the Qur'an 30 done,"explained Sudarman.

Achievements achieved by SMPN 1 Cluring, that’s thanks to good communication and cooperation between schools, committee, and guardians. Every student's guardian is required to keep the principal's cellphone number, class teacher, and counseling guidance teacher (BK).

No wonder, if junior high school 1 Cluring is also the only pilot school for family education in Banyuwangi Regency. It doesn't end there, every morning the students who come are always greeted by the teacher council at the school gate.

Students' activities from entering to returning home are always informed to parents or guardians of students via short message service (SMS) gate way. "Every day, we send SMS at least six times a day to parents or guardians of students,he explained.

That good communication, also woven through social media. Every parent or guardian of a student and teacher who has a Facebook account (FB) must also be friends with their sons and daughters. So that all student activities are always monitored.

"We are working on how information and technology" (IT) this is not a scourge, but rather a useful tool,"he said. (radar)

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