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The Grand Imam of the Baiturrahman Banyuwangi Great Mosque Dies

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BANYUWANGI – Jamaah Masjid Agung Baiturrahman (MAB) Banyuwangi is grieving. High Priest of MAB, H. Isnaini, breathed his last, yesterday. Residents of the new Village Hamlet, Penataban Village, Giri District died at the age of 46 years at Yasmin Hospital Banyuwangi.

The deceased underwent treatment for suffering from diabetes. The deceased who has served at MAB for 15 years is a figure who is known for his melodious voice in reading the Koran. The late Isnaini has won many qori trophies from the district and provincial levels.

The last time I won qori champion in Malang was last month. What makes the family sad, three days ago Isnaini's wife (Hj. Mutmainah) formerly called the Power. “ H. Isnaini when she died was being treated at the hospital. He doesn't know that his wife died first. Only the next day the news of his wife was conveyed to the deceased,”Explained H. Nur Hasan, friend and treasurer of MAB Banyuwangi.

H. Isnaini leaves three children, one son and two daughters. Late, during his life other than being the High Priest of MAB, He is also a cleric at TPQ Nurul Jadid Penataban and a civil servant in Giri . District.

The body was buried at the Penataban Village TPU, Giri District yesterday afternoon after praying at the Jamik Penataban Mosque. (radar)

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