Head of Correctional Institution (Kalapas) Class IIA Banyuwangi, Agus Wahono, lead apple. (Photo: Special)
INDONESIAN VOICE, BANYUWANGI – Penyelenggaraan pemilihan umum (election) year 2024 it's getting closer. Therefore, Head of Correctional Institution (Kalapas) Class IIA Banyuwangi, Agus Wahono, mengingatkan jajarannya untuk bersikap netral.
Agus conveyed this when leading the roll call, Tuesday (28/11/2023). According to him, as a State Civil Apparatus (ASN) dituntut menjunjung tinggi netralitas dan terbebas dari berbagai intervensi politik.
ASN dilarang melakukan perbuatan yang mengarah pada keberpihakan terhadap salah satu calon, atau perbuatan yang mengindikasikan terlibat dalam politik praktis, atau berafiliasi dengan partai politik.
“Aturan mengenai netralitas ASN sudah disebutkan dengan tegas dalam Undang-Undang ASN,Agus explained.
Agus menyebut terdapat beberapa larangan bagi ASN menjelang gelaran Pemilu 2024, di antaranya ikut mengampanyekan salah satu partai atau calon, involved as the winning committee, attend political party events, and holding activities that lead to alignment.
Even though they have preferences for certain candidates, he continued, must not affect the performance and services provided to the community.
“Personal support does not need to be conveyed or announced to the general public, especially when making an invitation, because it has the potential to divide the unity and integrity of the nation,” he said.
Di era digital saat ini, Agus juga mengingatkan jajarannya agar bijak dalam menggunakan media sosial dengan tidak memosting, provide comments and like posts that lead to campaigns and support for certain candidates.
“You also have to pay attention to your style in taking photos, Avoid taking photos in a style that could provide numerical symbols or serial numbers,” he added.
For ASN who are not neutral, Agus said, will be subject to disciplinary punishment in accordance with the applicable rules. (*)
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herald | : Muhammad Nurul Yakin |
Editor | : Mahrus Sholih |