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The Gait of Popnas and OSN Medal Winning Students

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Not provoked, Even the opponent loses Disqualification, Rommy Izza Alfa and Wahyu Orphan made impressive achievements on the national stage recently. Two high school students 1 Glagah, Banyuwangi, it won a gold medal. Rommy gets gold at National Student Sports Week (Popnas), and Wahyu won a silver medal at the National Science Olympiad (OSN) in Jakarta.

RIGHT hit 09.00 the school bell rang. School atmosphere on Jalan Melati, Banyuwangi, What was initially calm suddenly became noisy. Hundreds of students wearing long-sleeved uniforms all in white came out of their respective classes as if they had been ordered to. For almost half an hour they were given time to rest after devouring lessons since the beginning of class.

The teachers who teach also go to the teacher's room which is right on the east side of the ceremonial field. Like the students, The teachers also took advantage of that moment to rest in the room. The break was a good opportunity to meet the two top students from the school. He is Rommy Izza Alfa and Wahyu Orphan.

After meeting the head of the school and asking for permission, Meetings with outstanding students can be held in the principal's office, The experiences of these two outstanding students are expressed cheerfully in a family atmosphere. The first shot was directed to Rommy Izza Alfa. His temperament is calm and polite. He doesn't appear to be a hitman on the mat in a pencak silat match.

His ability to play moves has made him able to bring a gold medal sign from Popnas in Jakarta 21 September 2013 then. In the event, Rommy must fight against opponents from South Sumatra. It's not easy to get achievements in the event. That's what Rommy thinks. Provocation, kick, and punches, often he receives in per match. Lucky, he managed to control himself, so don't be provoked. Tough matches felt in the semifinals and finals.

In the semi-finals, Self -Armored wrestlers (PD) it was overwhelmed by the opponent's movement. Official support and full concentration in the final minutes of the match are the keys to success. With a little kick, he managed to gain points. “It was only a few minutes less then. Finally, I did a slamming strategy, so I got one point and was declared victorious towards the final," he remembers. The struggle in the final round is no less heavy. The opponent who performed brilliantly made him experience the same thing in the semifinals.

However, good calm and concentration make Rommy look calm. the impact, opponents faced often make their own mistakes. In that match, Rommy often receives unnatural punches and kicks. The opponent kicks until it hits the inside of the neck. By the rules, opponent is disqualified. Rommy also has the right to the Popnas gold medal. Even if you have to win, you will be disqualified due to your opponent breaking the rules, but Rommy's concentration in controlling the match is enviable.

He is not eaten by the opponent's bait. “At that time the opponent kicked the inside of the neck, so he was disqualified because the kick was not allowed,"explained Rommy yesterday (24/9). Meanwhile, the story is no less exciting experienced by Wahyu Orphan. The difference, The class XII student carved gold ink at the OSN he was participating in 2 until 9 September 2013 then. He managed to steal the silver medal in the event. With material on the complex compound of salen, Wahyu was a little unlucky in the event.

Limited time and tools cause the experimental results to be less than optimal. Using the chemical formula of the manganese metal complex, the resulting compound is less dry. “Last year it was four hours and there was a break. This year it's four hours but no rest,He said. The notes that were inscribed by Wahyu also became the hegemony of SMAN 1 Glagah at the OSN. Since 2007, high school students 1 Glagah has never failed in achieving achievements in the event. among them in the book Risky Amalia who won a silver medal in OSN Chemistry of the year 2007.

In year 2009, Gunung Pambudi brought home a silver medal from OSN Mathematics. In year 2011, at OSN Physics, Ricky Aditia managed to bring a gold medal and became an absolute winner. The key to the achievements made by high school students 1 Glagah cannot be separated from intensive coaching. This achievement seems to be able to motivate other students to achieve achievements. Besides that, sekolah tersebut juga memilikicara sendiri dalam mengangkat potensi dan mengembangkan bakat terpendam para siswa. One of them, membiasakan siswa berkompetisi.

Lewat kompetisi, siswa didorong bersaing, belajar keras, dan menang. head of high school 1 Glagah, Drs. H. Heru Muhardi, memberikan apresiasi kepada para siswa yang berhasil mengharumkan nama sekolah dan Banyuwangi. Therefore, in year 2013 ini mereka yang telah berhasil itu akan diberi reward oleh pihak sekolah be rupa laptop dan pembebasan dana ope rasional sekolah, termasuk bimbingan belajar. “Siswa yang mendapat prestasi nasional akan kita beri reward. Ini sekaligus hadiah untuk Dies Natalis sekolah yang ke- 54,"explained Heru. (radar)

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