ROGOJAMPI – Cassava Cemplung is one of the culinary specialties of the residents of Gumukagung Hamlet, Gintangan Village, Rogojampi Kecamatan District. But unfortunately, This sweet food is starting to be abandoned and hard to find.
Cemplung cassava is the result of innovation by brown sugar artisan farmers. They, get creative in making food by cooking tubers using sap water (ingredients for brown sugar) and thus created a sweet dish known as cemplung.
It is called cemplung because the cooking process is by dipping it (entered). Dari beberapa jenis umbi-umbian, ternyata yang pas untuk cemplung itu singkong. "Other materials can also, like bananas, bump, and sweet potato,Yusron said, one of the local youths.
According to Yusron, this cemplung food is now very hard to come by. Because of that traditional food, hanya bisa dibuat oleh orang-orang yang bekerja sebagai perajin gula merah. “Untuk proses memasaknya juga harus bertepatan dengan memasak gula merah,He said.
Cemplung cassava used to be found in Gumukagung Hamlet, Gintangan Village. Understood, daerah itu dulunya penuh dengan pohon kelapa dan umbi-umbian. But, saat ini masakan tradisional itu sudah mulai sulit ditemui.
"We plan to open a special interest tour package, salah satunya pembuatan gula merah sambil menikmati makanan tradisional singkong cemplung ini," he said. (radar)