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Banyuwangi District Government Disbursed Rp 702 Million for RT and RW Incentives

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BANYUWANGI – Pemkab Banyuwangi mencairkan dana sebesar Rp 702 million for incentives for RT and RW heads in sub-districts throughout Banyuwangi Regency ahead of Eid. Totally there 1.171 the heads of RT and RW who are in 28 districts that receive the incentives.

“Setiap tahun kita berikan. It's just that this year it's cashless, so it is transferred directly to each account. Every month, the incentives provided 100.000 and cashed every 6 once a month. So the head of the RT and head of the RW received as much 600 thousand rupiahs,” jelas Bupati Banyuwangi Abdullah Azwar Anas, Thursday (7/6/2018).

Anas admitted that he deliberately disbursed the incentive funds before Eid so that they could be used by RT and RW heads for Eid needs.

“Memang rekening Juni ini. But we give it before Eid. This is for the RT and RW in the village, if the village is different again,he explained.

Meanwhile, the total incentive budget for the heads of RT and RW throughout Banyuwangi Regency in 28 village and 189 villages from ABPD and APBDes in the amount of Rp 12,1 billion. For disbursement in villages based on the policies of each village.

“Tapi rata-rata nominalnya sama. Everything has been budgeted for the year 2017 then,” jelas Anas.

Meanwhile, Hiksanudin (56), urban village head 1 Krajan Environment, Kebalenan Village, Banyuwangi District, said grateful to be able to get incentives before the feast.

The man who works as Kalipuro KUA staff admits that he is new 6 month became the head of the RW replacing the old head of the old RW.

“Jadi ketua RW itu susah-susah gampang. I was even woken up by the clock 1 early morning to resolve the conflicted citizens. So this is my first incentive since becoming the head of the RW,” jelas Hiksanudin.

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