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Soal Unas tanpa Nomor 13

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BANYUWANGI – Hari pertama pelaksanaan ujian nasional (nail) jenjang SMP/sederajat di Banyuwangi diwarnai permasalahan cukup pelik kemarin (5/5). Because, pada salah satu tipe soal mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia yang diujikan tidak ada soal nomor urut 13. Setelah soal nomor urut 12 langsung loncat ke soal nomor urut 14. Kenyataan itu sempat membuat peserta ujian yang sangat menentukan kelulusan tersebut bingung.Beruntung, kejadian itu cepat di laporkan kepada pengawas ru angan.

Pengawas ruang ujian lang sung lapor kepada ketua sub ra yon dan diteruskan ke Dinas Pen didikan (Dispendik) Banyuwangi. Dispendik Banyuwangi lan tas mengambil langkah cepat, yakni dengan menginstruksikan sis wa mengisi jawaban di lembar soal. The information that was collected by the Jawa Pos Radar Banyuwangi journalists stated that:, ketiadaan soal nomor urut 13 pada salah satu tipe soal itu terjadi nyaris merata di sekolah pelaksana di Banyuwangi.

This was only known when the questions had been distributed to each student. Students who receive questions without numbers 13 immediately reported to the exam room supervisor. Chairperson of the School Principal Working Meeting (MKKS) Banyuwangi State Middle School, Supriyadi, did not deny the incident. The man who is also the principal of SMPN 2 Banyuwangi admitted that in each exam room at the school there were two to three students who received question sheets without serial number questions 13.

Supriyadi said, there are several teachers and principals who communicate with him. The teacher and principal stated that similar incidents also occurred in their respective schools. Immediately Supriyadi immediately coordinated with the Banyuwangi Education Office while referring to standard operating procedures (SOP) Nail 2014. "Early step, when found about the number 13 there isn't any, siswa kami sarankan mengerjakan jawaban di lembar soal dan mengisi LJUN.

However, on LJUN questions without serial numbers 13, then number 13 The LJUN is emptied. After getting the instructions, the students immediately calmed down," he said. The man who is also the head of Sub Rayon 02 Banyuwangi added, before unas was lauched, Dispendik Banyuwangi has held outreach. In the socialization it was conveyed, when questions are shared, Students are encouraged to immediately check their respective question sheets before working on the UNAS questions.

Because, each question sheet works together with LJUN and is equipped with a barcode. So, if one of the question pages is blank or does not print perfectly, question should be replaced with another question sheet. "So if the problem has already been done, students have to work from scratch again. Because the barcode is different," he explained. Nah, after checking, It turns out that some students find number problems 13 tidak ada pada lembar soal yang mereka terima.

"Based on the report we received, In each class, there are two to three students who get the numbered questions because they jump from number 12 to number 14. But, we don't know how many. Because, we do not have the authority to enter the class," he said. Meanwhile, one of the junior high school students 2 Banyuwangi, Desy Setyawanti Presesa said, At first he was confused when he found out that the question sheet he received was not equipped with a number 13. “Originally, we were told to fill in the answers on the question sheet. However, after that we were told to work on LJUN. So no problem," he said.

Dessy confessed, although he was confused, the incident did not have a significant effect on his concentration in working on the exam questions. "It doesn't really matter. I am optimistic that I will pass," he said. Yusuf, another student said, he was confused to the point where he lacked concentration on the questions. But, not long after that, he gets instructions from the supervisor to work on the question sheet. "Before, I was confused, but after getting instructions, I can work on the problem in peace," he concluded. (radar)

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