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Alumni of SMAN I Genteng Get Cumlaude Score

H. Mujib, S.Pd
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H. Mujib, S.Pd

At Bogor Agricultural University

ROOFTILE – The good name of SMA Negeri I Genteng is not only shown by the achievements of its students, but the alumni who are now scattered in a number of well-known universities in Indonesia also take part in bringing the good name of their alma mater. The latest, four of 15 high school alumni 1 Tile who is now attending education at the joint preparation level (TPB) managed to achieve cum laude at the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB).

This is based on a letter from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) Number: 9895 / IT.3.14/ TU/2012, Date 24 October 2012. information on educational outcomes at the Joint Preparation level (TPB) Academic Year 2011 / 2012 with the Cumlaude predicate on behalf of Miftahur Rizqi Akbar, Rian Febriawan, Novi Dian Ruri Erlinda and Ana Makrifatul Zanah.

For the success of the alumni, Head of State High School 1 H tile. Mujib, S.Pd., on behalf of the SMAN extended family 1 Tile wished congratulations and success to the alumni who achieved cum laude scores and other TPB participants. Former Head of High School 2 The roof tile advised all alumni everywhere to gain knowledge to always cultivate a culture of hard and smart work in all activities to create a solid and strong personality in global competition that is tested by all the changing times.. “In the 21st century, human resources are needed (HR) who have skills and knowledge that are integrated with strong personalities to compete tightly with human resources from abroad,he said. (radar)