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Residents demoed, Gas Factory Activity Stopped

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Pabrik pengkelan gas tertutup rapat tanpa terlihat aktivitas di Dusun Possumur, Swollen Village, Wongsorejo District, Banyuwangi.

WONGSOREJO – Suasana pabrik perbengkelan gas tampak sepi di Dusun Possumur, Swollen Village, Wongsorejo District, Banyuwangi, yesterday morning (27/5). Setelah sehari sebelumnya di demo warga sekitar, pagar pabrik tersebut tampak tertutup rapat kemarin.

The results of monitoring by journalists from Jawa Pos Radar Banyuwangi yesterday, segel warna merah yang dipasang oleh Satpol PP tampak terpampang di tembok pabrik pagi kemarin. Sedangkan di dalam pabrik perbengkelan gas itu terlihat lengang. Sama sekali tidak terlihat kegiatan sejak aksi demo warga yang berlangsung jumat siang lalu (265).

Lokasi pabrik yang berada di daerah permukiman padat penduduk itu memang berimpitan dengan rumah warga. Because of that, warga sekitar menolak segala bentuk aktivitas pabrik yang proses pembangunannya sudah mencapai 70 persen tersebut.

Until yesterday, warga lingkungan Dusun Possumur, Desa Hendak, mengaku bisa bernapas lega. Karena kegiatan yang ada di dalam pabrik sekarang sepi total. Suasana Desa Bengkak juga sudah kondusif hingga siang kemarin. Warga tampak menjalani aktivitas seperti biasanya.

One of the residents, Kunawi, 55, say, bahwa pabrik tidak melakukan aktivitas lagi. “Sejak kemarin siang, setelah didemo warga, pabrik sepi dan tidak terdengar suara mesin lagi,” ujar lelaki yang tinggal di RT 01, RW 01, Dusun Possumur, Swollen Village, Kecamatan Wongsorejo tersebut.

Meanwhile, PT. Garuda Berlian Kencana yang bergerak di bidang pupuk organik juga tampak tidak melakukan kegiatan. Pintu gerbang pabrik tampak terkunci rapat dengan gembok besi.

Previously, sempat berlangsung mediasi di kantor Desa Bengkak antara Forpimka, warga desa, serta Perwakilan PT Garuda Berlian Kencana. “Masih belum ada berkas dan laporan dari pabrik terkait demo warga yang terjadi di Desa Bengkak kemarin itu. Suasana masih aman terkendali untuk sekarang ini,” papar petugas Polsek Wongsorejo, Aiptu Arif Abdul R kemarin (27/5).

As previously reported, warga Dusun Possumur mendatangi pabrik perbengkelan gas di desa setempat. Mereka memprotes keberadaan pabrik tersebut karena menimbulkan suara bising.

Residents also collected signatures against the operation of the factory located on the west side of the highway. Not just reject the gas repair factory, residents also questioned the organic fertilizer factory waste managed by PT. Garuda Berlian Kencana.

The two factories (organic fertilizer and LPG gas) are in the same location with the same owner. While on location, Residents asked for activities around the factory to stop. Yesterday's action by residents made factory workers nervous.

See the arrival of residents, A number of workers immediately fled from the factory. Even, one of the workers escaped by climbing the wall. The excavator that was operating also stopped.

The residents only stopped protesting after a group of Forpimka Wongsorejo officials arrived. Perwakilan warga akhirnya diajak dialog di kantor Kepala Desa Bengkak. The dialogue was also attended by representatives from PT Garuda Berlian Kencana, Kurniadi. From the residents, represented by Mufid Arfan, 32.

The village head of Bengkak Lutfi Efendi also came. Not to forget the Head of the Wongsorejo Sub-District Sulistyawati, Kapolsek Iptu Kusmin, dan Kasatpol PP Banyuwangi Edi Supriyono juiga hadir di tengah-tengah warga.

“In fact, the residents had long resisted the establishment of the factory. Counted from the year 2014 then. Penolakan tidak mendapatkan respons aparat berwenang. Just two weeks ago this factory was sealed because there was no SIUP permit, TO, and Amdal, dan IMBI,” Mufid Arfan said, citizen representatives.

According to Mufid, penutupan tersebut dilakukan Satpol PP setelah sebelumnya warga mengirirnkan surat permohonan penghentian segala aktivitas di area pabrik. Residents criticized and boycotted the establishment of the factory because it disturbed the environment.

“Activities carried out by PT. Garuda Berlian Kencana which is engaged in organic fertilizer which has caused noise pollution (noisy), air, air, and waste in the form of liquid that smells bad,” Mufid said.

Mufid's statement was confirmed by other residents. Sujono yang dekat pabrik mengungkapkan, kehadiran pabrik perbengkelan gas dan pupuk organik benar-benar menganggu. “Pabrik tersebut harus ditutup karena menganggu warga,” Sujono's request was justified by other residents.

Di tengah aksi penolakan saat itu, Head of Satpol PP Edi Supriyono won over residents. The official with the thick mustache asked the residents not to be anarchists. “Tenang, don't do damage. We have given the factory a seal because it does not have a building construction permit,” he said.

Sub-district head Sulistyawati also responded to residents' actions. His party will take a middle ground regarding the factory's rejection action. The camat also asked residents not to make a fuss. The residents also listened to what the Camat ordered.

Not for long, Kapolsek Iptu Kusmin came. Mediation was done between both parties. Kusmin invited residents' representatives and summoned PT. Garuda Berlian Kencana.

Sugianto as the person in charge of Garuda Berlian Kencana could not attend and was represented by Kurniadi, 55. Mediation proceeded in an orderly and smooth manner. “We only work on work orders. So we don't know for permissions and all that,” Kurniadi said.

After both can accept, mediation ended. Kapolsek Iptu Kusmin meminta warga tidak berkumpul di depan pabrik agar tidak menyebabkan kerusuhan. “Mediation is over. Now please return to your respective homes,” asked the former Head of the Banyuwangi Police Satnarkoba Head of Narcotics Unit.

Head of Satpol PP Edi Supriyono added, The factory has yet to obtain a permit from the licensing office. Because of that the factory was sealed based on Regional Regulation No.14 Year 2011 tentang retribu izin tertentu. “Now it is not allowed to carry out any activity in the factory,” strictly. (radar)