BANYUWANGI, – Head of the Education Office (Dispendik) Banyuwangi, East Java, denied that elementary school students who committed suicide were caused by bullying by their schoolmates.
Head of Banyuwangi Dispendik, Suratno admitted that he had confirmed directly with the school where the victim studied.
According to teachers and peers, Victims include children who are active at school and are loved by the teachers.
“Recognition of teachers and friends, there is no bullying of victims at school. He is an active child and loved by his teacher,” Suratno said, Wednesday (1/3/2023).
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even so, his party will evaluate the school's role in educating students so that there are no cases bullying.
Not only that, The Education Office will also optimize the role of schools to become agents who can change the character of students to make them more inclusive.
Read too: An elementary school boy in Banyuwangi molested by a teenager he knows via TikTok
Suratno said, it will maximize the role of the Task Force (Task Force) Anti-Bullying and Child Violence in pre-established schools.
“We are reinforcing the Anti-bullying and Violence Task Force in this school by involving many parties,” Suratno said.
Known, MR, a class boy 4 An elementary school in Banyuwangi is determined to commit suicide because it is suspected that they cannot stand the consequences of being bullied at school.
boy 11 This year, he decided to end his life by hanging himself. The victim's body was found hanging in the kitchen of his house on Monday (27/2/2023) sore.