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Two Students Studying in Abu Dhabi

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The big family of the Salafi Islamic Boarding School, yah Assyafi'iyah, should be grateful and proud at the same time. Because, cooperation in the field of education with the state of Abu Dhabi which was initiated some time ago is now starting to bear fruit. in this year, dua siswa SMP Unggulan Al-Aqso –yang dinyatakan memenuhi syarat dan lolos uji kelayakan dan kompetensi— berhak melanjutkan pendidikan di Uni Emirat Arab. Two students who were lucky to have the opportunity to continue their studies at free costs borne by the Abu Dhabi government were Wahyu Riza Azizi Ghufron and Abdurrahman.

The two students passed the feasibility test and competency test to continue their studies in Abu Dhabi. “Alhamdulillah, God willing, this year he will depart and all educational expenses will be borne by the government of Abu Dhabi,” said the caretaker of the Salafiyah Assyafi'iyah Islamic Boarding School, Cough, Cluring District, KH. Fahrurrazi, S.Ag. Furthermore, the alumni of the Salafi Islamic Boarding School, Syafi'iyah Sukorejo, Situbondo said, The collaboration in the field of education with Abu Dhabi is a pilot that has existed for a long time.

It is just, even though it has worked well together, students who will be dispatched for study to Abu Dhabi, still have to follow a number of requirements and due diligence in accordance with the standards of the country. "Alhamdulillah, two of our students passed and were able to continue their studies there,Fahrurrazi said. These two students, later will get a full scholarship from Abu Dhabi until graduating from college. “Every year they can also go back to their hometown to let go of homesickness with their families,"he said. (radar)

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