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Habib Hunted by Mothers

Habib Hunted by Mothers
HUNTING: Husniyah approached the defendant M. Ali Hiduan alias Habib who was escorted by officers at the Banyuwangi District Court yesterday.
Habib Diburu Ibu-ibu
HUNTING: Husniyah approached the defendant M. Ali Hiduan alias Habib who was escorted by officers at the Banyuwangi District Court yesterday.

Almost got kicked by Rosan's maid

BANYUWANGI – The trial of the murder case with the accused Muhammad Ali Hinduan alias Habib, 44, re-tinged yesterday's incident (17/9). House niyah, 41, maid Rosan, suddenly attacked the defendant when he was about to be taken to the District Court detention room (PN) Banyuwangi that afternoon.
Husniyah's reckless action occurred shortly after the panel of judges led by Siyoto SH closed the trial. Even though the accused Habib was guarded closely by several police officers, Alm's maid. Rosan was desperate to break through and was about to punch him.

"Habib is wrong,shouted Hus-niyah in a loud voice. Lucky, a number of police officers who were on standby to secure the trial quickly responded. So that, Husniyati, who tried to get closer and hit Habib, could be prevented. "He was the one who killed my skipper. He must be put to death,shouted Husniyah

In order to prevent the anger of the Rosan family from spreading, The police quickly put Habib in the PN detention room. But, ten minutes later, officers from the prosecutor's office under strict police escort brought the accused to the Banyuwangi prison through the back door.

The agenda for the follow-up trial which was held in the main court room yesterday was to hear the statements of the defense witnesses put forward by the defendant. Of the three witnesses Habib had prepared, only two present, namely Ahmad Yani and Abdul Yazid. The two witnesses put forward by the defendant were members of the Jamaah Selawatan with Habib. Besides that, the two were also Habib's neighbors in Dusun Krajan, Kembiritan Village, Genteng district.

In his testimony before the panel of judges led by Siyoto SH and member judges Widarti SH and Afrizal Hadi SH, there is no significant information related to the case of the murder of the Rosan family which allegedly involved the defendant. When asked about the murder, Both witnesses both confessed that they did not know anything about it. “I knew there was a murder after reading the newspaper," exclaimed Abdul Yazid.

Yazid admitted that he knew the defendant because he was a fellow congregation member. The witness also admitted to knowing the other two perpetrators of the murder, namely Haedori Setiawan and Andi Azis. "As for Siwan, I only heard the name and did not recognize it," he said.

Yazid and Yani admitted that they knew the defendant because they were both members of the visiting congregation. Besides that, the two of them also frequently consulted on religious matters with the accused. "Many young people in the village learn religion from Habib," exclaimed Ahmad Yani.(Radar)