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Become a Pioneer of Compassionate City in Indonesia

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BANYUWANGI – Banyuwangi kembali sukses melakukan gebrakan besar tingkat nasional. This time the easternmost district of Java Island was designated as the pioneer City of Compassion or Compassionate City in Indonesia. The choice of Banyuwangi as the first City of Compassion in Indonesia is because the Banyuwangi Regency Government's policies and programs are considered to respect the values ​​of compassion, humanism, and diversity.

The signing of the Charter for Compassion was carried out by Regent Abdullah Azwar Anas at the Halalbihalal Akbar event for educators and health workers at Blambangan Park yesterday (5/8). The signing was witnessed by Board Member Compassion Action International, Dr. Heydar Bagir ,and the famous preacher KH. Abdullah Gymnastiar.

By signing the charter, then Banyuwangi automatically enters the network 40 cities in the world that have been designated as Cities of Compassion according to the initiation of the Compassion Action International program. At the moment, there is 231 cities in various countries are in the process of becoming Cities of Compassion. Meanwhile, cities that have been designated as Cities of Compassion include Atlanta, Appleton, Denver, Houston, Seattle (United States of America), Capetown (south Africa), Eskilstuna (Sweden), Groningen than Leiden (Dutch), Botswana, Parksville (You have), Serta Gaziantep (Turki).

Meanwhile, in Indonesia there are five cities that will soon follow Banyuwangi, between Jakarta, Bali, and Bandung. The Charter for Compassion has also been signed over 100.000 figure in the world, including a number of prominent figures in Indonesia. Compassion Action International is driven by a number of figures, among them religious scholar Karen Armstrong and President of the Islamic Society of North America Imam Mohamed Magid.

“Banyuwangi is committed to being a region full of love, sprinkled with love, not only in the economic context but also in social relations between citizens,” said Regent Anas after signing the Charter for Compassion. Regent Anas said several programs in Banyuwangi have represented the principles of compassion, humanism, and diversity.

He exemplifies, interfaith meetings, the Peer Foster Student movement (SAS) that establishes solidarity among students, Oxygen Alms Movement involving all religious leaders for environmental campaigns, ambulance service 24 hours to serve citizens, as well as eradicating illiteracy and dropping out of school which upholds the accessibility of citizens in enjoying educational services.

Besides that, programs such as capital assistance for small businesses, seed assistance for farmers and fish farming, home surgery, and other poverty alleviation movements are also examples of humanitarian-based public policies. "With all the shortcomings that still exist, Public policy in the future must be able to humanize humans,” said the regent who had taken a short study of governance at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, United States of America, the.

Anas added, Religious teachings basically teach the principles of humanity. Because of that, Encouraging a compassionate movement to the regional level is important to face the nation's increasingly complex challenges. “How can the regions include humanitarian principles in every policy, good economic policy, social, culture, tourist, education, as well as health,he said.

In the field of education, educators are committed to making their school a compassionate school. Discrimination-free school, violence, safe and comfortable for students. Educators and students not only study but also practice the value of compassion, Love, and appreciate differences. Grow achievement together, not create unhealthy competition since childhood.

Public service sector, also part of the City of Compassion, Bureaucrats in Banyuwangi continuously improve services and build more humane public facilities. Innovative public service programs have been carried out such as Babies Born Home with Deeds, One Stop Services, and SMS Gateway. Forward, it will be expanded. “The public's critical voice is accommodated, via the SMS Center, Twitter, as well as face-to-face meetings," he said.

Dr. Haidar Bagir said:,by signing the Charter for Compassion, then Banyuwangi entered the network 40 a city in the world that had previously become Compassionate City. “And this will be a platform for Banyuwangi to work with other cities in the United States, Europe, Africa, and Asia," he said. Banyuwangi, continued Haidar, is the first city in Indonesia to be recommended as a Compassionate City.

Currently three other areas, namely Jakarta, Bali, and Bandung, is in the process of becoming a City of Compassion. ”This is the time to turn society's life into a more humane one, Regions must be more pro-citizens. This is in line with the program that has been implemented in Banyuwangi," he said. By becoming a City of Compassion, there are several advantages that Banyuwangi First can get, can strengthen Banyuwangi branding.

Second, has an international network to exchange experience and resources in developing the region. "Every single month, The City of Compassion holds regular meetings for sharing. Hopefully in the not too distant future, Banyuwangi could host the Compassionate City leaders meeting,Haidar said (radar)

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