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Gangbang Lower Stunting, Banyuwangi Use Strategies Like Poverty Reduction

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“The reduction in stunting in the region is also one of the KPI indicators (Key Performance Indicators) for the village head, village head, and the subdistrict head. So the problem of stunting must be very careful,” Ipuk insisted.

In handling stunting, data has been identified by name by address, What are the risk factors below?.

“For example, the cause of stunting is due to tuberculosis, ARI, or other treatment is carried out according to conditions. The following is also the nutritional intake must be intervened by the determinants of the factors,” said Ipuk.

After identification, then the handling is done in mutual cooperation for intervention. For example, a farmer's child is stunted due to malnutrition due to economic factors.

"They will routinely be given additional food and vitamins. For example, given milk periodically or even vitamins," said Ipuk.

Apart from health care, intervention is also carried out through the technical office to help the family's economy. For example, the Department of Agriculture to provide seed or livestock assistance