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Chairman of PCNU Banyuwangi Speaks About His Name Being Involved in the Case of Attempted Murder

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BANYUWANGI – Ketua Pimpinan Cabang Nahdlatul Ulama (PCNU) Banyuwangi, KH Ali Makki Zaini spoke up regarding the use of his name in the attempted murder of the Head of Penataban, Giri . District, Sri Wilujeng. The man who is familiarly called Gus Makki admitted that, He did not know the victim or the perpetrator of the attempted murder.

“Sehubungan dengan merebaknya kabar percobaan pembunuhan terhadap Lurah Penataban, Sri Wilujeng via WA group, who used the name Gus Makki, me, H.Muhamad Ali Makki never knew the name Agus Siswanto, Sri wilujeng and Jion or Sujiono and the names mentioned in the case,” kata Gus Makki, in his official statement, Wednesday (1/8/2018).

Especially, said Gus Makki, In the chronology of events, it is stated that the intended address is in Blokagung, Tegalsari District. Meanwhile, the address of the newly inaugurated PCNU Banyuwangi chairman is in Rayud Hamlet, West Parijatah Village, Srono . District.

“Bisa jadi nama Gus Makki yang disebutkan dalam perkara tersebut bukan saya, but there is another Gus Makki,” he added.

According to him when it happened, his party is attending an invitation to the Halal Bihalal recitation together with the teachers of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) throughout Bangorejo District.

They hope, the police and the authorities immediately arrest the perpetrators. The police are expected to continue to carry out their duties as they should in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

“Yang lebih khusus, to all members of the Jam'iyah Nahdlatul Ulama (NOT) to remain calm and not to be provoked into doing inappropriate things. Leave your duties and authority fully to law enforcement officers," he concluded.

Known, Head of Penataban District of Giri, Banyuwangi, Sri Wilujeng, found by residents at the bottom of the river with the condition of two hands and feet tied. Victim suspected of attempted murder.

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