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The Koran Teacher Incentive Envelope report is not proven

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BANYUWANGI – Panitia Pengawas Pemilu (Supervisory Committee) Banyuwangi is serious about following up the report from the winning team for the presidential and vice presidential candidates (presidential and vice presidential candidates) Prabowo Subianto and Hatta Rajasa. The report is related to allegations of a certain presidential candidate's campaign regarding the distribution of intensive assistance for Koran reading teachers. Panwaslu has scheduled the summons of several witnesses to ask for clarification regarding the report by the presidential candidate success team promoted by the Gerindra Party., Golkar Party, PKS, PAN, PPP, and the UN.

Some of the witnesses who will be called are Regent Abdullah Azwar Anas, Head of the Banyuwangi Ministry of Religion, Santoso, and several other witnesses. ready, Yesterday's Panwaslu (14/7) invited Regent Anas to provide clarification as a witness. However, Panwaslu's plan could not be realized because Regent Anas was performing the Umrah pilgrimage in the holy land of Makkah. The invitation sent by Panwaslu was received after Regent Anas left for Umrah.

“Because time is tight, we must immediately ask for clarification from the regent," said the Chair of the Panwaslu, Rorry Disrino Purnama, which was confirmed via telephone yesterday. To be known, Panwaslu received two reports from Prabowo's winning team- Even. The first report related to the alleged use of the Swagata Blambangan Sabha pendapa at an iftar event with Banyuwangi community and religious leaders. It is suspected that the event was used as a campaign event.

Besides that, There is another report which states that the envelope for the Koran teacher incentive aid given by the Banyuwangi Regency Government contained a sticker of the Jokowi-JK pair "Report on the Koran teacher incentive, after we clarify it to the reporter and witnesses, It turns out that it wasn't the regent who provided the incentives. So we cannot follow up on the report on providing incentives for Koran reading teachers because the reported person has not been proven to have done that,” ungkap Anggota Panwaslu Totok Hariyanto.

Assistant for Government Affairs of the Banyuwangi Regency Government, Choiril Ustadi explained,Panwaslu's invitation to Regent Anas arrived at the district government office Saturday afternoon (12/4). The invitation was not immediately known, because that day happened to be a holiday. Meanwhile on Saturday night, Regent Anas has received permission to take leave and leave for the holy land of Makkah to perform the Umrah pilgrimage which he had planned long ago. “The Umrah plan has been planned long ago, The Umrah pilgrimage is not carried out suddenly," he said. (radar)

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