BANYUWANGI – The police continue to hunt for the perpetrators of the robbery that befell two bank customers in Gandrung City in the last two days. At the moment, The police are still investigating two cases with almost the same method. Blambangan Police Chief, AKP Ary Murtini, through Kanitreskrim Inspector Basori Alwi said, His party is still investigating the two robbery cases. "Still in the research stage.
These two cases have similarities even though the execution of the perpetrators is different,he said yesterday (23/3). Basori added, His party also examined several witnesses. Especially, related to a robbery that broke a car window in front of Indomaret Jalan MH. Thamrin, Banyuwangi. Because, that afternoon, many witnesses saw the robber steal cash worth Rp 10 million from inside the car.
“When it happened, Many people around the location know about it,added Basori. Basori added, Several witnesses testified that the perpetrator was rather thin. “The perpetrator's body was not very big," he said. Meanwhile, related to another robbery case, namely what happened in front of the cell phone counter north of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque (MAB), is also still in the research stage.
The robbery that befell Nr, 25, Rogojampi residents, is still full of questions. Because, There were very few eyewitnesses to the incident. "We are also hunting for the perpetrator who took cash worth Rp 50 that million," he said. As previously reported, in two consecutive days, The robbery happened to two bank customers. Their mode of operation is almost the same, namely that the perpetrators were both targeting their victims from the bank.
Once the victim is careless, The perpetrator immediately stole the victim's money which was left in the car. The latest incident happened to Abdulah last Thursday 22/3). Money Rp 10 million saved in the Panther car was lost. When it happened, The car was parked for a moment on Jalan MH. Thamrin. The perpetrator stole the cash by breaking the car window.
The incident started when Abdullah had just taken money from BCA Bank. After that, he stopped by Indomaret to buy credit. When he came in, an unknown person broke the window of his Izusu Panther car using an iron. In CCTV footage, before breaking the car window, the perpetrator tried to open the door. However, after finding out the car door was locked, The perpetrator, who was not alone, hit a tool resembling an iron against the car window.
"After the glass was broken, the perpetrator immediately ran away,said Ary. After leaving the minimarket to his car, The victim just realized that his car window was broken. After checking, cash Rp 10 His million has disappeared. “We received a report and immediately pursued the perpetrator.
Based on CCTV footage, the perpetrator acted with his friend," explained Police Chief Ary. The day before (21/3), Theft also happened to a bank customer while parking next to the Baiturrahman Mosque, Banyuwangi. Cash Rp 50 million belonging to Nr, 25, Rogojampi residents, lost. "Previously, the victim took money in Jajag District. Then stopped by his brother's place,explained Ary.
Regarding this theft, The perpetrator did not damage the victim's car. So, the thief only opened the right door of the car, then took the cash lying on the middle seat. (radar)