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Perhutani and Police Again Arrest Suspect of Teak Wood Theft

Perhutani and Police Again Arrest Suspect of Teak Wood Theft
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Perhutani and the Police while Securing a Truck Loading Teak Wood Allegedly Illegal at the Pesanggaran Police Station, Wednesday (08/05). Photo : Jaenudin – Mobile Forest Police (Polhutmob) Perhutani KPH South Banyuwangi together with the Sector Police (police station) Violation, Banyuwangi Police, arrest suspect in teak theft in Ringin Mulyo Hamlet, Pesanggaran Village/District, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java, Wednesday (08/05/24).

The Administrator reported this incident (ADM) Perhutani KPH South Banyuwangi Wahyu Dwi Hadmojo, on Banyuwangihits Journalists.

“The arrest was made at around half past eight in the evening,” said Wahyu Dwi Hadmojo, Friday (10/05/24).

Wahyu explained, The arrest was made based on information from the public that there was a vehicle loading illegal teak wood from Pesanggaran Village passing through the Pesanggaran District area. Coordination with the police was carried out to follow up on the complaint.

“Right in the paving alley of Ringinmulyo Hamlet, Pesanggaran Village, officers found a truck with the registration number K 8150 FROM. Next, an inspection was carried out and it turned out that it contained teak wood," explained ADM Perhutani KPH South Banyuwangi.

Still Revelation, because the driver has the initials BN (24) resident of Dusun Mulyorejo RT 02 RW 01, Bader Village, Jatirogo District, Tuban Regency, unable to produce teak wood ownership documents. Until finally the truck and its load of teak wood, and the driver was detained at the Pesanggaran Police.

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