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Crashed Stolen Timber Truck

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Perhutani employees control trucks that are secured at the Benculuk TPK, Cluring District.

CLURING-Five trucks were arrested for transporting teak wood which is suspected to be illegal, now stuck in the woodpile (TPK) selfishness, Cluring District. The five trucks, there are no masters, and some are still undergoing legal proceedings yesterday (5/5).

The truck, which has now been damaged, is, with DK police number 3578 OF, DK 9560 UE,
P 8775 ST, P 2449 FOR, and DK 9520 and. Four trucks were secured in a row around the Benculuk TPK. One more truck, secured in the front yard of the office.

Builder officer (pabin) Perhutani KPH South Banyuwangi, Commissioner Heru Kuswoto, said the seized truck was evidence (BB) crime. "The five trucks that were secured were cases of illegal timber theft",He said.

Among the trucks that have been secured for several years, there is not yet known for sure the owner. When it happened, the truck stays on the road. “The owner never took care of the truck either, so yeah just leave it," he said.

Of the five trucks, light him, the longest secured is a truck with a DK police number 3578 OF. The truck was secured after it was found transporting illegal logs in the Pesanggaran sub-district forest on Saturday 13 May 2013 ago. Dear, Until now, no one has taken care of the truck.

“The truck was found in the forest, when the incident the driver or owner ran away," he said. Apart from that truck, it's clear, The truck which was also secured for a long time at the Benculuk TKP is a truck with the police number P 8775 ST. This truck was seized in 2014.

“For DK trucks 9560 UE, P 2449 FOR, and DK truk trucks 9520 UG is still relatively new, we will start securing it in 2016,” he explained. The five trucks that were secured at the Benculuk TPK are under police custody. When the legal process has been delegated to the prosecutor's office, then the truck will be sent as evidence in court.

"Some are still in the legal process"," he explained. Heru hopes that the owner of the truck that was secured at the Benculuk TPK will immediately take care of it. Because, some of the trucks have started to break down. "If you don't get it right away", everything can be broken,” he told Jawa Pos Radar Tile.(radar)