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Banyuwangi Holds Qur'an Khotim with the Hafidzahs

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In order to welcome Nuzulul Qur'an, namely the revelation of the holy Qur'an. Pemerintah Kabupaten Banyuwangi menggelar Khotmil Qur’an bersama puluhan hafidzah (Quran memorizing woman) at Pendapa Sabha Swagata Blambangan, Thursday (6/4/2023).

"Hopefully with the efforts of the Quran khataman from the bu nyai and the hafidzah since morning, making Banyuwangi always shaded by blessings," said Banyuwangi Regent Ipuk Fiestiandani.

With the blessings of Allah SWT, added Ipuk, improve the efforts of all components of government and all elements of society in developing Banyuwangi.


"Banyuwangi's current achievements, not just our efforts. But, also thanks to the prayers of the kiai, my mother, the hafidz hafidzah, compensation for orphans and other services," explained Ipuk.

Therefore, Ipuk hopes for the whole community, to always pray for Banyuwangi. "While in this blessed month of Ramadan, take a prayer, I hope Banyuwangi will be more prosperous, away from all calamities," he asked.

Khotmil Quran dilakukan sebanyak sepuluh kali oleh para bu nyai dan hafidzah Banyuwangi.

Seen among them Ibu Nyai Hj. Mahmudah Hisyam from PP. Darussalam Blokagung, Tegalsari; Nyai Hj. As'adah Askandar from PP. Mambaul Ulum Sumberberas, Muncar, Nyai Hafidzah, Nyai Nikmatur Rohmah and Nyai Mahmudah Ahmad and a number of other mothers.

At the end of the event, Nyai As'adah offered a special prayer so that all Banyuwangi residents would be blessed with prosperity. All leaders and officials in Banyuwangi are given the strength of faith and health to carry out the whole trust well.

"With the blessings of the Quran, may Banyuwangi continue to progress, the people are prosperous and prosperous, and its leaders are given the strength of faith to carry out the trust," he said.


After a series of khotmil Quran, closed with a religious lecture delivered by KH. Mukhdlar Atim. He conveyed important lessons from Nuzulul Quran.

“Seorang muslim sudah seharusnya bisa mengamalkan segala ajaran baik yang ada di dalam Al-Qur’an. So, all the good things in this holy book need to be practiced in everyday life. For example is doing good to fellow human beings," he said.

In addition to khotmil Quran in the Hall, the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) also do the same thing in their respective institutions simultaneously. From the service office, many, hingga di kantor-kantor kecamatan dan kelurahan/ desa semua mengelar khotmil Quran sejak pagi.(Ilham Triadi)
