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Baby Abandoned by His Parents

BANYUWANGI – Islamic Hospital (RSI) Fatimah Banyuwangi will still be waiting for Aditya's arrival, 29, and Arini Mayasari, 23, Tuesday's runaway baby's parents (23/4) then. The hospital hopes, The baby girl is raised by her biological parents. Even though there are many who want to adopt the baby, but the hospital has not dared to allow. "We do not dare to hand it over to anyone, because of this (now) not a light problem,"said the PRI Fatimah Banyuwangi, Ainur Rofi q, yesterday (27/4).

According to Rofiq, The baby born by caesarean section is still undergoing special treatment at the hospital. A number of medical officers continue to monitor his progress. “The baby is normal and his condition is getting better,He said. Rofi q mentions, after his parents ran away and didn't leave any messages, The cost of baby care will be borne by the hospital. “RSI Fatimah has a social mission, and this is our responsibility,He said.

It is just, he continued, because the baby's condition is getting better, then the treatment carried out by RSI Fatimah while waiting for the baby's parents to come will be limited. “We will wait until Tuesday (30/4) coming," he said. If it's up to the set time limit, the baby's parents still haven't come, he still said, then his party will coordinate with the Social Service, Labor, and Transmigration (Dinsosnakertrans) Banyuwangi Regency. "In that coordination, we will talk about the fate of the next baby," he said.

Regarding citizens who want to adopt, Rofiq said that he would submit completely to the Dinsosnakertrans Hanya, it will not be easy to let go of the baby. “The plan, We will place the baby at the Budi Mulya Orphanage and continue to be monitored by the hospital,He said. Meanwhile, Head of Din sosnakertrans Banyuwangi, Syaiful Alam Sudrajat says, his party will fully assist the RSI Fatimah Banyuwangi. "In principle, we are ready to accept the delivery of the baby," he said.

Alam admitted that he did not know directly the condition of the baby who was living at the Fatimah Hospital by his parents. He will soon visit the poor child. "This afternoon (yesterday afternoon, Red) I'm going to RSI Fatimah," he said. Alam agrees with the hospital which is careful when it comes to handing over the baby to the residents who will adopt it. His party will select the residents who have volunteered to take care of him. “You can't just give me a baby,He said. (radar)