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Green Recycle Fashion Week Gratis

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BANYUWANGI – Hundreds of Green Recycle Fashion Week participants took part in the costume judging at the Environmental Service office (DLH) Jalan Wijaya Kusuma Banyuwangi, yesterday (24/3). Hundreds of participants, starting with children, started at 12.30.

Participants bring costumes that have been designed using used plastic materials, paper, here are his appearance numbers for the jury. No half-hearted, for the assessment of the green recycle fashion week costume, DLH invites four judges from outside the region, namely Nanang Inoransyah, one of the female judges of the Jawa Pos environment; Juni Wedyanto won the second place in Indonesia's top model; Zaki Firmansyah is a cover boy and commercial star; Paramitha Hayu Rini one of the flight attendant ambassadors, and Rahmania Permatasari from DLH Banyuwangi.

One of the jurors, Nanang Inoransyah says, the focus of the assessment includes the originality of the material, creativity, motif, color combination, design, and the percentage of materials used as determined by the committee. Because this year's Green Recycle Fashion Week costume is an evening dress, then the design made by the participants must also be appropriate, and do not deviate from what has been set.

While for the use of materials, must also match, namely the use of used plastic materials, paper, and 20 percent of supporting materials. "So the materials used must be completely used, unique idea, and the design is awesome,"said the man who is also the judge of the Jawa Pos hijab ambassador.

Meanwhile, Head of the Environment Service (DLH), Chusnul Hotimah says, during costume appraisal, the committee and the jury were very observant in examining the materials used by the participants. The selection of the jury from outside the area is one of the committee's efforts to assess the costumes to be more objective.

"So, Sorry, there is no term winner or deposit winner," he said. The work of the participants will be judged by a panel of judges who are very competent in their fields very seriously and in detail. So that, selected winners, it is certain that those who use recycled materials as evening dresses are of really high quality.

“There are four assessment criteria, that is the beauty of the motif, originality or originality of ideas, creativity, accuracy in blending ingredients, as well as the percentage of raw materials,"explained Husnul. Gelaran Festival Green and Recycle Fashion Week 2017 it carries the theme of Paper Mixed Plastic.

So that, The fashion displayed must meet the specified criteria, which consists of 40 percent paper, 40 percent plastic, and 20 percent of other ingredients. For paper, it can be from newsprint, magazine, or other paper. For plastic, it can be from shampoo packaging waste, glass, drink bottle, plastic straws, colorful plastic bag, coffee drink pack, laundry soap pack, pack chocolate to cover mineral water.

Apart from ingredients, The type of fashion that will be displayed has also been determined. This time, Participants must focus on using paper and plastic to design a unique and attractive evening gown. "The name is an evening dress, it has to look glamorous and elegant even though it's made from recycled materials".

Nah, here comes the challenge. How the participants are creative to produce magnificent works and not plagiarize," he said. To create a charming recycled fashion masterpiece, participants have been given training in designing fashion recycle for two days, Monday Tuesday (20-21/3).

Unmitigated, they are guided directly by instructors from the Jogjakarta environmental community who are experts in designing recycled fashion. “Besides the model design, participants will also be taught the ethics of using waste products. For example, It is not allowed to show certain product brands in their clothing,"explained Husnul.

Husnul added, The venue for the Green Recycle Fashion Week event at Gesibu Blambangan will also be transformed into a catwalk that is no less unique. The cat walk stage will be decorated with beautiful knick-knacks that are all made from recycled materials.

“We will maximize the use of recycled materials at this event. To support the evening dress fashion, we will make knick-knacks- beautiful knick-knacks as ornaments to decorate the venue,” he explained that Green and Recycle Fashion Week will be held in two sessions.

Saturday afternoon (25/3) o'clock 13.00 the performance will be filled by participants from kindergarten students, SD, and middle school. Continued at night, start at 18.00 with a similar event with high school student participants, local government employees, vertical agency of the PKK mobilizing team and representatives of women of the dasawisma.

“We want all parties to be involved in environmental care through fashion recycling,” he added. Enliven this fashion recycle event, On the same day, an exhibition of various inorganic handicraft products made from waste will also be held.

Like tissue place, candy jar, shopping bag, party bag, curtain, and many more. These products are the work of students from adiwiyata schools and also dasawisma mothers. This activity is open to the public, and free,"he said. (radar)

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