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Hamili ABG, Man from Wongsorejo Sentenced 9 Prison Years

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WONGSOREJO – Fadli, 29, residents of Dusun Krajan, Swollen Village, Wongsorejo District, looks like he'll have to spend a long time in prison. The panel of judges at the Banyuwangi District Court yesterday (19/9) sentenced the young man from Bengkak to nine years and six months in prison.

He was judged guilty of violating the criminal provisions of Article 81 verse 2 Law No 35 Year 2014 about child protection. Apart from imprisonment, Fadli was also given a fine of Rp 5 million. If not willing to pay, must replace it with a prison sentence of one month.

The verdict was given because Fadli was legally and convincingly proven to have committed an indecent act against Saritem (alias), 16, who is still a big kid (ABG). As a result of his actions, Saritem until pregnant. In this decision, The judge put forward a number of mitigating and aggravating considerations.

Aggravating considerations, Fadli's actions are seen as disturbing and detrimental to other people. The lightening, Fadli has never been punished, regret his actions, and will be responsible. The verdict given by the judge was lighter than the public prosecutor's request.

Previously, the prosecutor demanded that the defendant be punished 14 years in prison and a fine of Rp 5 million subs one month confinement. In response to the verdict, Fadli, accompanied by his attorney, stated that he accepted. Just knowing, Fadli's immoral acts began in September 2015 then.

At that time the victim and perpetrator communicated to meet. The two of them planned to go for a walk at a shopping center in Banyuwangi. Riding motorcycle, both of them left the house. Dear, didn't reach town, The motorbike actually turned towards the hotel around Kalipuro.

At that location the victim was forced to have sex. Next, The victim was taken home at RTH Bajulmati. Fadli didn't expect this action to be repeated again. Until finally Saritem became pregnant. The case finally went to the police and the perpetrator was prosecuted. (radar)