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Raindrops on the Prison Field

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BANYUWANGI – Peringatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad yang digelar di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Pages) Banyuwangi was colored by rain and tears yesterday. Hundreds of prisoners (daily) touched and cried when the verse of the Koran, Greetings, and religious poetry, read. Maulid which was held by prison and invited preachers and HA advocates. Wahyudi was initially nervous. Especially, Ustad Wahyudi brought the religious music group Al-Mumtaz which consisted of teenagers with special needs. "We who are perfect must be grateful". Look at these kids, some have no legs and can't see,Wahyudi said in his lecture.

The atmosphere of emotion began to be felt when Wahyudi asked the Imam, one of the musicians of Al-Mumtaz who is visually impaired reads verses of the Koran. Imam's melodious voice actually touched the feelings of the male and female prisoners who were present at the Maulid. The rain of tears happened again when Wahyudi asked Zulqurnain, personel Al-Mumtaz, read poetry. The teenager from Kabat Subdistrict who has no arms and legs seems to shake the thick wall of the prison. Dozens of female prisoners could not hold back their tears when they heard the verses of the poems read by Zulqurnain.

Not only female prisoners, the male prisoners who sit on the floor are also crying a lot. Zulqurnain's invitation to humans whose limbs are perfect to be more grateful turned out to be melting the hearts of the prisoners.. The prisoners of the prison were not able to hold back their grief and tears. "It turns out that our fate is better than the children of Al-Mumtaz,"said ustad Wahyudi.

To warm the atmosphere, The Maulid activity also presented three top artists from Banyuwangi; Rozy Abdillah, Pink Diva, and Mia KDI. We deliberately invited Mr. Wahyudi to increase the faith of the prisoners,"said the head of the Ba Nyuwangi Prison, Krismono. Religious construction, clearly Krismono, get more portion in Banyuwa Prison ngi. With that activity, The inmates are expected to become more useful people for the community after they are released. "Pak Wahyudi's way is more touching the inmates," he said. (radar)

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