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Indonesia Dragonfly Society Conducts Dragonfly Research in Banyuwangi

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Three Months Already Found 30 Species Typical of Indonesia Dragonfl y Society (IDS) is an institution that specializes in conducting research on dragonflies. They have researched the animal in several cities. Apparently, Banyuwangi dragonfly diversity makes them memorable.

LITERATURE about dragonflies is hard to find in Indonesia. Which is surprising, even though the literature exists, but the person conducting the research is not an Indonesian citizen. This is what causes IDS to feel compelled to move and take this initiative to conduct research manually to uncover dragonfly species in the country. Share IDS, melakukan riset terhadap capung bukan perkara mudah.

Because, research requires sacrifice in order to find the animal. Clear, These animals are often found in wet places, for example in streams or in irrigation canals and in areas with a lot of water. But, Wait a minute. Dragonflies are still not easy to find. If the condition of the water is polluted, dragonflies will be hard to find. Thus, so that dragonflies don't become extinct, Therefore, environmental sustainability must be considered.

IDS observations, dragonflies are very easy to find in various areas. But, It was then. Now dragonflies are increasingly rare. Because, the environment is polluted. as a result, dragonflies are getting rare. even though, Dragonfly is an insect that provides many benefits, one of them to the farmers. Dragonflies are one of the greatest predators of other insects, like a leafhopper. Because of that, dragonflies really help farmers.

However, The current condition is quite alarming. The dragonfly population is getting rare. Bah can, dragonflies are hard to find in the area per farm. The trigger for the scarcity of dragonflies is because the habitat has been damaged. The place where dragonflies breed is not sterile. Insecticides are one of the causes of the dragonfly population to erode. Insecticides prevent dragonflies from breeding.

While still in larval form, they have died because of the polluted environment. Told, every time IDS personnel led by Wahyu Sigit Rahadi conduct research, Not a few people think that the research is useless. the extreme, that action is considered just a waste of time. Especially, apart from time consuming, This research also requires a lot of energy and money. IDS guided, riset itu bertujuan mengungkap spesies capung asli Indonesia.

Besides that, The research is also to educate the public that the dragonfly habitat must be protected. Don't let the dragonfly become a story in the future because it can't be found anymore. ''Don't let our children and grandchildren tomorrow not know dragonflies. If that happens, we are very concerned,said Magdalena Putri Nugrahani, one of the IDS activists.

Every time doing research in a number of areas, IDS always records the research results in the form of a book. So far, two books have been published since 2011 then. In the year 2011, research results in Yogyakarta, titled Dragonfly Our Friends. The second book is entitled Wendit's Flying Dragon. The second book was officially launched in 2013 research results in Malang.

Third edition, IDS chose Bumi Blambangan as the research location. One of the reasons, This district at the eastern end of the island of Java is considered to have a variety of cultures. Even, In this Coffee City, a song about dragonflies was circulated with the title Untring-untring. ''We think there are more dragonfly species in Banyuwangi than the other two locations that we have studied,"added the woman who graduated with a master's degree majoring in Biology, Gajah Mada University (UGM) that jogjakarta.

IDS conducts research along the river from upstream to downstream. Currently, IDS is conducting research in the Kalongan river, Pesucen Village, Kalipuro District. Since January 2014 then, IDS has found 30 dragonfly species in Banyuwangi. Most likely, spesies itu bakal bertambah karena proses riset masih terus berlangsung hingga muara sungai.

"Meanwhile, dragonflies are easier to find upstream because the environment is still protected,” said Lutfian, one of the IDS personnel, in a discussion at Genjah Arum, Kemiren Village, Glagah District, last Wednesday (2/4). According to Lutfian, The beautiful shape of the dragonfly attracts IDS to do research. Although the shape of each dragonfly is almost no difference, but the color of each species has its own special charm. ''Every time capturing dragonflies, we observe the result and it's amazing,"explained the man with long hair, an alumnus of the Semarang State University. (radar)

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