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Escape to Bali after Cabuli ABG

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Muhamad Heri Pradana was arrested by the police yesterday.

Frozen when returning home

SONGGON-After two months of being a fugitive in a sexual abuse case against a minor, Muhammad Heri Pradana, 32, residents of Dusun Rejeng, RT 4, RW 2, Parangharjo village, Songgon District, by the police arrested on his way home, Thursday (4/5).

The suspect who was reported to have molested a minor with the initials AL, 15, from the village of Sragi, Songgon District, it was temporarily secured in the police detention room while undergoing an examination.

"This alleged sexual abuse incident occurred in 18 March 2017," said Songgon Police Chief, AKP Suwato Barri. According to the police chief, alleged sexual abuse committed by the suspect on the victim, happened around 23.00 at the suspect's house.

That night, the victim who is still a young child (ABG) was invited to the suspect's house. In that house, the victim by the suspect is ganged up. "After playing like that, victim home,He said. Arriving home, victim's parents because their daughter came home in the middle of the night.

After being urged, AL finally opened his mouth when he was invited to play lumping horse. Hearing his daughter's confession, The victim's parents were furious and immediately reported it to the Songgon Police. “From that report, we move right away," he said.

A number of witnesses who are considered to know the incident, by the police questioned as a witness. The victim was also taken to the Puskesmas for a post-mortem. “From the available evidence, we will catch the culprit, but it's gone,He said.

The police chief admitted that he was trying to catch the perpetrators. But, the attempt didn't work. The perpetrator allegedly fled to the Island of the Gods. New on 4 May 2017, received a report that the perpetrator who had been determined to be a fugitive returned to his house. Don't want to lose track, around 22.30, his house was raided.

"We arrested the suspect at his house"," he said. To ensnare a suspect, the police have put up articles 81 verse 1 and 2 RI Law No 35 year 2014 regarding amendments to the Republic of Indonesia Law No 23 year 2002 about Child Protection (PA). "The perpetrator faces the maximum penalty" 15 years in prison,” he said. (radar)

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