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Case of Alleged Abuse of Banyuwangi Santri Students, Hotman Paris Deploys Team of Lawyers

Case of Alleged Abuse of Banyuwangi Santri Students, Hotman Paris Deploys Team of Lawyers
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Jakarta, – The famous lawyer Hotman Paris gave a strong reaction regarding the alleged abuse of Banyuwangi students.

The alleged abuse case began with the circulation of a video of the victim's family with the initials BBM (14 year) hysterical when he saw his son's body.

Previously, The victim was delivered by the Islamic boarding school representative to the family's house in a lifeless condition.

Representatives of the Islamic boarding school said that the victim died because he fell in the bathroom.

However, pihak keluarga tidak diperbolehkan membuka kain kafan yang membalut korban karena sudah suci dimandikan sebelum diantar.

(Case of Alleged Abuse of Banyuwangi Santri Students, Hotman Paris Deploys Team of Lawyers. Source: ig@hotmanparisofficial)

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