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Poliwangi Land Questioned

NEW CAMPUS: The Poliwangi Building stands majestically in Labanasem Village, District of Kabat
NEW CAMPUS: The Poliwangi Building stands majestically in Labanasem Village, District of Kabat

KABAT – The land occupied by the Banyuwangi Polytechnic campus (Poliwangs) in Labanasem Village, District of Kabat, It's thought there's still a problem. This was revealed by the non-governmental organization Banyuwangi Democracy Consortium (Kodeba NGO). In the press release, Kodeba highlighted that the land acquisition on which the Poliwangi campus is now being built has not yet been completed. Kodeba NGO Coordinator, Suparmin, question the land certificate used to apply for the establishment of Poliwangi until it meets the requirements 10 hectare (Ha). according to her, There are indications that these conditions were engineered. “There are indications that it smells like corruption (corruption, collusion, and nepotism),” he accused yesterday (6/3).

What about acquiring someone's land around campus?? Until yesterday, he explained, The community is still waiting for clarity on the release process. “How much is the land acquisition price?? Because, The money used to buy is people's money,he explained. If there is no immediate price clarity, Suparmin is worried that the public will question him. The method, can mobilize the masses to Poliwangi. "Because, in land acquisition, It is alleged that there was a conspiracy that benefited certain parties or enriched the parties involved in land buying and selling," he accused.

Kodeba also asked how the regional treasury land or PLKP Labanasem would be acquired. Because, The land belongs to a work unit under the district government. “Before the land acquisition process is completed, how about IMB (building permit)-nya?he snapped. As known, he said, after Poliwangi was established under the Banyuwangi Higher Education Foundation (YPTB), disburse funds from the government. The sharing pattern is 30 percent of the Banyuwangi Regency Government and 70 percent from the central government. If from the district government it is Rp 30 billion and the central government Rp 70 billion, then the total is Rp 100 billion. “We still add another Rp 10 billion from the district government, so everything becomes Rp 110 billion,“details.

Kodeba insisted, The use of all billions of funds was audited by the Supreme Audit Agency (CPC) before Poliwangi changed its status to a state. Then, followed by an examination by the Attorney General's Office (AGO). "We feel sorry for the Banyuwangi regent if the Poliwangi case erupts after it becomes a state because it will be affected. We ask the regent to encourage the Attorney General's Office to thoroughly investigate the Poliwangi problem,” urged Suparmin. When confirmed yesterday afternoon, YPTB Secretary Ilyas Karnoto explained that the land requirements for the Poliwangi campus were the responsibility of the Banyuwangi Regency Government. A new campus is built if there is land as a prerequisite. Land acquisition is also a matter for the district government.

"So, Poliwangi foundations and academics are not related to campus land acquisition,"Ilyas emphasized when contacted by telephone. Land acquisition for PLKP Labanasem, he continued, it is a matter for the local government. Even, PLKP is regulated in regional regulations, namely for education. Nah, what about the IMB?, is it out yet?? “If it's an IMB problem, I do not know,he answered.

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