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Rainy Season Arrives, Banyuwangi Police Prepare Disaster Preparedness Personnel

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Banyuwangi, – Memasuki musim Rain, jajaran Polresta Banyuwangi mulai siaga bencana. Personel siaga bencana disiapkan, pun dengan peralatannya. Siaga bencana menggandeng jajaran Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) dan TNI.

Based on previous year's experience, during the rainy season, sejumlah wilayah Banyuwangi rawan terjadinya bencana. Start flood,strong winds and landslides, yang membahayakan lagi, musim hujan tahun ini bersamaan momen tahapan election.

“Berdasarkan perkiraan BMKG, High rainfall will occur until February. This is vulnerable at the same time as the election stage," said the Head of Banyuwangi Police Operations Division, Police Commissioner Idham Kholid, after the roll call, deployed disaster preparedness troops and equipment at the Banyuwangi Police Headquarters, Monday (4/12) morning.

Apart from alerting troops, Polresta together with BPBD prepared all disaster equipment. So that, whenever a disaster occurs, personnel and equipment are on standby.

“This disaster preparedness call is for consolidation and coordination, and check the facilities, infrastructure to anticipate hydrometeorological disasters,” clear.

From BMKG estimates, entering December, Rainfall is expected to continue to increase. Then, continues through January to February. Peningkatannya mencapai 20 – 70 percent. This condition was triggered by the impact of La Nina. Anticipate disaster events, his party together with related parties will immediately create a disaster preparedness post.

"This post will be filled with all related elements. His job, monitor the situation. When it's an emergency, bisa melakukan tindakan cepat,” he said.

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A number of locations that are considered vulnerable are river flows, coastal areas and mountain slope areas.
