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Rise War, The Marriage Tradition of the Osing Tribe

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Debate with Poetic and Hilarious Sentences
Atmosphere of a wedding at Pakis Jalio Neighborhood, Kelurahan Sumberejo, Banyuwangi District, it was quite a lively afternoon. Parades. the bride and groom followed by the groom's family seemed to snake. They also brought offerings or commonly called ubo Rampe. Uniquely, the families who joined the procession brought provisions in the form of pillows, rolls tied in mats and kitchen utensils.

And also chicken, you will be (ladle), village chicken eggs, coconut, banana, yellow rice, and ubo rampe (equipment) other, Bringing various household needs, The groom's motorcade arrives at the bride's place. They intend to propose to the woman to be his wife. Arriving near the girl's house, the groom's entourage in the presence of the bride's extended family. Terpasang selembar kain yang di ibaratkan sebagai gerbang yang membatasi kubu lelaki dan kubu perempuan.

When it's in shape (hama, groom (raja) and princess bride (war) sitting with a white sheet separated. Each of them is accompanied by a puppeteer who will complain about their inheritance. The puppeteer also becomes a spokesperson or conveys a moral message. It's called the Rising War, because the two puppeteers had to be beipeiang by arguing. From inside the gate, one of the bride's family who is the gatekeeper asks the groom's entourage.

Once answered that the purpose of his arrival was to propose to the princess, The gatekeeper immediately got angry and pushed them away. “Saiki isun kudu biso ngulihaken lare wadon ikau (Now I should be able to get the girl)? emphasized the spokesman for the groom's entourage because he felt rejected by the bride. The leader of the group's leader or spokesperson for the bride's group continued to shout firmly, say plumatis, and conditional. “Eun gelem. I'm sorry but you have to meet the conditions (I man you ask, but there must be conditions) balas jubir keluarga perempuan itu.

So, as a condition, ketua rombongan mempelai pria harus menyerahkan berbagai “upeti” yang telah disiapkan tersebut, such as mattresses and pillows, and various kitchen utensils that had been brought by the groom's entourage. "Leave everything to the princess (I leave this all to the princess)? said the leader of the groom's entourage intending to submit the conditions requested by the bride's entourage.

In short, “perang argumentasi” yang penuh dialog kocak dan membuat semua penonton terpingkal-pingkal itu akhirnya usai. The closing of the debate was marked by the opening of a piece of cloth which was a barrier for the families of the bride and groom. At that moment, the groom may already be welcome to pass through the gate of the piece of cloth. “Setelah perang usai, and the conditions have been met. The bride and groom are brought together and put their thumbs together as a sign that they are allowed to unite,” ujar salah satu Budayawan Banyuwangi, Sambiyono.

That's a glimpse of the implementation of the Rise War which is a special tradition in the Osing tribe at weddings. In ceremony, the role of the group leader and gatekeeper is carried out by the elders of the Osing Tribe who are considered to have certain advantages. “Perang Bangkit ini tradisi yang sudah berjalan turun-temurun cetus pria yang masih aktif sebagai dalang Perang Bangkat itu. It turns out, This tradition of Rising War should not be implemented in all marriages. When both the bride and groom are the eldest or youngest child, then War of Rising must be carried out.

“Anak sulung dapat anak bungsu, this should also be done Rising War. The only or reliable child must also be carried out in the War of Ups, “jelas Sambiyono Selain itu, Sambiyono added that if the youngest child gets the first child, they also have to do lokatan (treatment) first. Ruwatan ini bertujuan agar perjalanan hidup kedua mempelai menjadi harmonis.

“Yang harus diruwat ini ondal-andal, shower head (women between brothers and sisters), the radiance of the sentang captain (flanked by older brother and younger sister), and the ropes of the dead if all the sisters or all the men are all clear Sambiyono. But, the most important thing said Sambiyono, is the uniqueness of the Battle of Bangkat. The tradition of the ancestors, at this time it may rarely be done by couples who are married in Banyuwangi at this time. “Harapan saya tradisi Perang Bangkat ini tetap lestari, If we don't preserve this tradition, then who will?,” Lajar Sambiyono. (radar)

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