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PSK in hijab goes down the road

WEAR JILBAB: Long march demonstrators from Untag Banyuwangi campus to the district government office then proceed to the DPRD office.
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WEAR JILBAB: Long march demonstrators from Untag Banyuwangi campus to the district government office then proceed to the DPRD office.

BANYUWANGI – The Banyuwangi Regency Government's steps, supported by Islamic organizations, closed three localizations of commercial sex workers (prostitute) in Bumi Blambangan encountered obstacles. Yesterday, hundreds of masses who are members of the Banyuwangi People Care Movement (GPRB) down the street. They demanded that the district government cancel the policy of closing the localization.

In action, the masses held a long march from the fork in Jalan Raya Adi Sucipto, in front of Untag Banyuwangi Campus, towards Jalan Raya Ahmad Yani. Right in front of the regent's office, masses hold speeches. Banners and posters refusing the closure of their localization were spread. Interesting, some of the prostitutes and pimps who took part in yesterday's demonstration were wearing headscarves.

Arriving at the district government, ten representatives of the demonstrators were allowed to enter the district government office to have a dialogue with the Assistant for People's Welfare, Suhartoyo was also present as a government assistant, Abdullah; Head of BPMPD, Peni Handayani; Head of Social Service, Labor, and Transmigration, Iskandar Azis; and Head of the Communicable Disease Prevention Division at the Health Service (Health Office), Waluyo.

Confirmed after a dialogue with the representative of the demonstrators, Suhartoyo denied that the district government had closed the localization. “There is no closure because the localizations are illegal, no permission. If it's illegal, why should we close it?. Because of that, we only stop prostitution activities in these localizations," he explained. Suhartoyo also denied that the district government was selective in empowering sex workers and pimps.

Because, besides having held training in sewing and make-up skills at the Sum Localization, Berloh, District of Singo Juruh; Gempol Porong, District Clu ring; and Pakem Localization in Banyuwangi District; The district government is also waiting for assistance from the center for the 130 sex workers who are willing to change professions. Each PSK will receive assistance worth Rp 3 million.

Still according to Suhartoyo, The district government has actually carried out guidance and socialization through the sub-districts before stopping prostitution activities in some of these lokalisasis. "We will gradually stop localization operations", after that we give space to be arranged. That is also the will of society," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of administration (YOU) PP Satpol, Agus Wahyudi says, since before Ramadan until now, his party has put up signs to stop prostitution activities in three localizations in Bumi Blambangan, among them Desert Localization, Rogojampi Kecamatan District; Klopoan in Sempu . District; and Ringin Telu Localization in Bangorejo District.

Agus explained, The termination of prostitution activities was carried out based on the agreement of the regional leadership forum (forpimda). Besides that, also encouraged by a letter of recommendation from the community so that the localization around their environment is closed. "The cessation of prostitution activities is also based on a regional regulation (District Rules) No. 6 Year 2007 about the spread of HIV/AIDS," he concluded.

Meanwhile, after holding a demonstration in front of the regent's office, the group of demonstrators continued the long march to the DPRD office. Different from the previous action, At the DPRD office, hundreds of people were allowed to enter the council building complex. At the people's representative office, they immediately held banners and posters as well as held speeches against the closure of the lokalisasi.

To this newspaper reporter, Sites, one of the prostitutes operating in the Padang Pasir localization, Rogojampi District says, before localization is closed, he and his colleagues should have been given decent jobs by the district government. in fact, the lokalisasi is closed without any empowerment efforts for the working sex workers and pimps.

According to Siti, The closure of the localization that was carried out unilaterally and seemed forced was very burdensome for his life. "Even though, we need money for children's school fees. My son is still small. I don't want her to be a prostitute. After localization, the place I work for is closed, my child is forced to not go to school because there is no money," he said while sobbing.

A moment later, several representatives of the demonstrators had a dialogue with the two deputy chairmen of the DPRD, namely Djoni Subagiyo and Adil Achmadiono, along with three board members in the committee III meeting room. To their representatives sitting in parliamentary seats, Demonstrators' representatives asked for their aspirations to be channeled. "We ask the DPRD to submit our request to the executive for the closure of the lokalisasi to be reviewed",said Endras, demonstration coordinator. (radar)

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