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The Only District with Two Events in KEN 2023, Menparekraf: Banyuwangi Pioneer of Attraction

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ID TEXTinfatuated Sewu and Banyuwangi Ethno Carnival (BEC) officially entered the agenda of this year's national event calendar, Karisma Event Nusantara (KEN) 2023 released by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy).

KEN 2023 launched by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf), Sandiaga Uno, at the Conch Mas Theatre, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), Saturday (28/1/2023).

Enter infatuated Sewu and BEC in KEN 2023 through the curation process of the total 291 event proposed from 38 Provinces in Indonesia.

From 291 it is selected 110 leading event in Indonesia to be included in the KEN series 2023. infatuated Sewu and BEC Banyuwangi selected after going through a curation process by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

“KEN 2023 summarizes 110 flagship event in Indonesia. From East Java there are 8 events included in KEN. Banyuwangi the only district with two leading events perched on KEN 2023, that is infatuated Sewu and BEC,” kata Sandi, Saturday (28/1/2023).

Banyuwangi very fitting when dubbed as the district Pioneer of Attraction. Festival of Banyuwangi need to be emulated in other areas. With new innovations that can drive the creative economy, able to open new jobs for creative industry players,” lanjut Sandi.

Password appreciate Banyuwangi which can drive the creative economy through cultural innovation and tourism.

Ken launch 2023 This is packaged in the form of a festival. Where there is a showcasing of cultural wealth and archipelago events as well as promoting KEN more broadly to the public, with the spirit of Proud to Travel in Indonesia.

Be found 5 the KEN assessment field is Tourism and Creative Economy, Innovation and Creativity, Event Management, Communication Strategy, Business Development and Marketing.

While the Regent Banyuwangi thank the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy for choosing infatuated Sewu and BEC are in the KEN network 2023.

“Alhamdulillah, tourism continues Banyuwangi get support from the center. Thank you Menparekraf for your trust in Banyuwangi. This is a trigger for us to continue to preserve art and culture Banyuwangi and develop it into an interesting attraction," said Ipuk.

According to Ipuk, in addition to increasing the prestige of tourism in The Sunrise of Java district, KEN will encourage regional economic revival. “This is the most important. The events we hold can provide benefits to the community's economy. Providing benefits for improving community welfare Banyuwangi," he said.

Besides that, added Ipuk, Events wrapped in B-Fest are also intended as a means of consolidating society. Also bridging the development and preservation of arts and culture so as not to be eroded by modernization. "One more time, we are grateful for the support from the central government to Banyuwangi," he said.

As known, Ministry of Tourism crowned Banyuwangi as The Best Festival City in Indonesia several years ago. The coronation was announced by the Minister of Tourism at the time, Arief Yahya, when launching B-Fest 2017 at the Ministry of Tourism office in February 2017. (*)


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