IMAGE – Ada yang cukup mengejutkan dari hasil penyelidikan aparat terkait kasus pembunuhan Eka Yuliawati, 17, residents of Dusun Krajan, Yosomulyo Village, Gambiran District. Siswi SMP yang ditemukan tewas dengan kondisi mengenaskan di sawah Dusun Krajan 1, Gambiran Village/District, itu ternyata dalam kondisi hamil.
No wonder, spekulasi yang merebak menguatkan bahwa kasus pembunuhan itu bermotif asmara. But honey, meskipun sudah memintai keterangan sejumlah saksi, polisi belum menemukan titik terang siapa pelaku pembunuhan sadis tersebut. “Belum ada tersangka. Kasus ini masih dalam lidik (research, Red). Kami juga sudah memintai keterangan lima saksi,” ujar Kanitreskrim Polsek Gambiran, Ipda Bagio, yesterday (24/4).
Bagio membenarkan bahwa korban dalam kondisi hamil. According to him, itu terungkap dalam otopsi yang dilakukan petugas medis Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (hospital) Rooftile. However, perwira yang satu itu mengaku belum bisa memastikan motif pembunuhan siswa kelas VIII di salah satu SMP swasta di Kecamatan Purwoharjo tersebut.
“Kalau ada perkembangan berarti, pasti akan kami kabari,"promise". Meanwhile, dikonfirmasi Senin siang lalu (23/4), seorang rekan sekolah korban mengungkapkan bahwa Eka memiliki kekasih yang beralamat di Bali. "To my knowledge, pacar Eka ya cuma anak Bali itu. Eka sebelumnya memang menetap di Bali. Di sekolah kami, dia merupakan siswa pindahan," he said.
Siswi yang satu itu mengungkapkan, For the last month or so, Eka hasn't been to school. Even, short message (SMS) yang terakhir kali dia terima dari korban beberapa hari lalu mengatakan bahwa Eka divonis sakit liver oleh dokter. Dalam SMS itu, Eka juga mengatakan sepertinya umurnya tinggal menghitung hari.
“But, saya tidak tahu apa permasalahan yang menimpa Eka sebenarnya," he concluded. Reported yesterday, Eka was found dead in a tragic condition in a rice field in Krajan Hamlet 1, Gambiran Village/District, Sunday (22/4) around 20.00. Strong conjecture, He was a murder victim because when he was found there was a gaping wound on his neck.
The wound is quite deep along the length of approx 20 centimeter (cm) It is strongly suspected that this was the result of being hit by a sharp weapon. The information gathered by the journalists of this newspaper stated, Giman found the victim's body for the first time, a duck herder. That night, Giman was in the rice field to watch over his ducks, which he had deliberately housed in a hut not far from where the victim was found.
no doubt, Giman immediately told local residents what he saw. Instantly, This horrendous news spread throughout Gambiran Village. Not long after, The police came to the scene and immediately started an investigation. Accidental, Giman is still related to Eka, so that the police have no difficulty revealing the identity of the victim.
Meanwhile, shortly after being discovered, The victim's body was immediately evacuated to Genteng Hospital for an autopsy. Watch this newspaper reporter, apart from a gaping wound on the back of his neck, There were also wounds on the victim's back which were thought to have been caused by a knife. (radar)