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High School Student From Purwoharjo Disappears

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Susanti weapons

PURWOHARJO – Satu lagi kabar gadis menghilang terjadi. This time, Susanti weapons, 17, The student from one of the high schools in Purwoharjo District since 29 June 2017, left the house and his whereabouts are unknown.

The daughter of Wagiran, 50, and Ida Indriyani, 46, from the hamlet of Gumukrejo, Purwoharjo Village/District, still sitting in class XI high school. “Di rumah tinggal bersama bapaknya, his mother works in Kalimantan,"said Purwuhajo Police Chief, AKP Ali Ashari, yesterday (4/7).

According to the police chief, from the reports that the girl received began to disappear since 29 June 2017. But, his family just reported to the police on Tuesday (4/7). "His family just reported to the police",He said.

From the victim's family, light him, before it disappears, Armi left the house at around 19.00 wearing blue and green short sleeves. “Bapaknya tidak tahu akan pergi kemana," he said.

Before disappearing, clear the police chief, Armi told his father that he wanted to work. But, not mention where will work. “Kita masih melakukan pencarian, Residents who know the child, please immediately notify the nearest police," he said.

Previously, students who have just graduated from elementary school have also disappeared. She is Hanung Retno Hutagalung, 13, a girl who lives in the Dusun/Village of Bulurejo, Purwoharjo. Daughter of husband and wife, Eko Widiyanto, 40, and Erwin Kristiwa, 36, it was found two weeks later. Hanung's family has to pick up the girl who's been missing since 5 June to 15 June 2017 it's in Bali.(radar)

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