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Residents of Klontang Refuse Tower Permit Extension

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SEMPU – Extension of the cellular tower building permit in Klontang Hamlet, RT 3, RW 5, Gendoh Village, Sempu District is now questioned. As much 30 residents living around the tower refused the extension permit because they felt they had been fooled by the management.

Head of RT 3, Klontang hamlet, Hadi Setiawan, 38, said since the beginning of the construction of the tower in December of that year 2006, people have been fooled a lot. The contractor who carries out the construction of the tower, never outreach to society.

“The contractor only ordered Pak Mislan, who was then head of the RT to walk, to ask the residents to sign the agreement,He said. In that agreement, light him, four residents affected by the building did not sign. The four residents, Kusnan, Ahmad Sugiono, Nuraini, and Basuki Rahmat.

"He said if one person does not sign, then the permission can not be issued. But the fact is the permit is issued and construction continues, How is this," he said. For ten years the tower stood, he said, the residents have never received any compensation from the tower management.

“Once given Rp 100 thousand, That's when I asked for an autograph, after that no more,He said. Not only that, the tower management also never makes any contribution to the environment, and affected residents. Citizens are often haunted by fear, especially when it rains with strong winds.

"We are residents of RT 3 often afraid of the tower collapsing and hitting our house, our lives could be in danger,he explained. Since the tower stood, said Wan, familiar name Hadi Setiawan, Residents' lights often turn off when it rains accompanied by lightning. Even, public street lighting (LPJU) installed by residents also often die.

“Anyway, we ask for the towers in our environment to be taken down, and no negotiation whatsoever," he explained. The desire of the tower residents to be dismantled immediately, it peaked when residents heard that the cell tower permit would be extended. Residents who were facilitated by the Gendoh Village Government met with representatives of tower owners who were attended by Wibowo, Wednesday night (8/2).

In the meeting that followed 30 residents of the Gendoh village office, the attitude of the residents remains unanimous so that the Banyuwangi Regency Government through related services and agencies does not give permission for an extension, and immediately lowered the tower because it was considered to have violated procedures by not having permission from local residents.

“Last night (last night) we will be insured, but we refused," exclaimed Abdullah, 45, other residents. Residents have also never been shown a letter from the relevant agency whether a tower permit has been issued or not. At the location of the tower building, there is no signboard whatsoever regarding the cell tower licensing.

"We residents still refuse, so that the towers in our neighborhood are taken down,” he demanded. Head of Gendo Village, of interest, when confirmed, he admitted that he had facilitated residents and tower owners regarding the extension of the tower permit. “In essence, we are only facilitating, If residents are not satisfied, they can take legal action,He said.

From the observation of Jawa Pos Radar Tile, tall tower building 70 meter stands right on the edge of the main road leading to Sragi Village, Songgon District. The tower stands in the middle of a residential area. The paint color of the tower has also started to fade, and dull.(radar)

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