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Rise from the dead, Kalongan Banyuwangi Waterfall Tourism Can Already Be Visited

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The process of repairing and cleaning Kalongan Banyuwangi tourism. PHOTO :

Around 20 It's been a year since the Kalongan waterfall tour has died. Destinations with beautiful waterfalls in Pesucen Village, Kalipuro District, Banyuwangi, East Java, is in the process of being resurrected by local tourism awareness groups.

This revival process is targeted to be completed before Eid. It means, Eid holiday, Banyuwangi people can do nostalgia on the tour.

to know, This tour used to be a prima donna in Banyuwangi. Equivalent to Red Island tour, Kalongan Waterfall is a champion in the northern region of Banyuwangi. Especially in the generation of the year 1990 until 1999.

Pesucen Villagers, together to work together to revive the glory of this tour. Several attempts have been made to revive. Mulai dari membersihkan ilalang, normalisasi lumpur dan membersihkan sampah pepohonan.

Masing-masing penduduk dari tiap RT membuat grup kerja bakti. Secara bergiliran, tiap-tiap grup melakukan gotong royong membersihkan lokasi wisata.

“Setiap hari warga secara bergantian kerja bakti membersihkan lokasi sedikit demi sedikit,” kata Hujaini, salah satu warga setempat, Friday (30/4/2021).

Kepala Desa Pesucen, Infallible, say, di Desa Pesucen total ada 22 RT. Setiap hari masing-masing warga dari setiap RT bergotong-royong membersihkan wisata Kalongan Indah secara bergantian.

According to him, warga sangat bersemangat untuk menghidupkan kembali wisata Kalongan Indah dengan harapan bisa membantu mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi masyarakat setempat. Jika wisata ini berkembang, nantinya para pelaku UMKM sekitar akan dilibatkan untuk memasarkan produk-produknya.

"Later we will establish stalls for MSMEs to sell. We hope that this can encourage the economic growth of the Pesucen Village community,he explained.

He added, if in its heyday, the natural tourism of Kalongan Indah only presented the beauty of the Kalongan waterfall, later it will be equipped with the beauty of a fairly wide reservoir with clear water that is very cold and fresh.

Complete with water sports rides. "The plan is that the community will later build a water sport vehicle at the Kalongan Banyuwangi tour,” cut Hujaini. (*)

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