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Depraved, Stepdaughter Raped Until Four Months Pregnant


ROGOJAMPI – Samin Sugiharto's behavior, 46, really outrageous. Warga Desa Aliyan, Rogojampi Kecamatan District, it can beat, RN, 13, her stepdaughter. As a result of this lewd act, The victim is now four months pregnant.

To take responsibility for his actions, Thursday (14/4) Samin was picked up by the police at his house. Until yesterday (18/4) The suspect is still being held in the police custody while undergoing examination.

"This case was uncovered Wednesday" (13/4). The next day, we will arrest the suspect,said the Chief of Police of Rogojampi, Kompol Toha Choiri. The disclosure of the suspect's depraved act started from the suspicions of residents who saw the victim's physical changes. Residents saw the victim, who was still a junior high school student, his stomach continued to grow.

"Residents meet the head of the RT and the head of the hamlet to ask the family",He said. Based on the residents' complaints, light him, village officials came to his family. That's when the victim, who was in seventh grade in junior high school, was accompanied by her biological mother, telling her all the actions of her stepfather.

"The victim admitted that all this time he was forced to serve his stepfather"," he said. Based on the victim's confession, it's clear, The village apparatus immediately reported to the Rogojampi Sector Police. Based on that report, The police moved to the suspect's house and arrested him.

"We arrested the suspect at his house"," he said. To the checking policy, it's clear, the suspect confessed all his actions. That lewd act, the first time it was done when the victim was still in class 4 SD. "The suspect married the victim's biological mother when the victim was in the second grade of elementary school.",He said.

According to the police chief, based on the confession of the suspect and the victim, The last inappropriate act by the suspect against his stepdaughter was in January 2016 and the victim is in seventh grade of junior high school. "So three years the suspect worked on his stepson," he explained.

Based on the suspect's confession, The depraved act committed by the suspect was carried out at his home and at night. When it happened, the suspect's wife is sleeping. "Most do when watching television",he explained.

Because of the father's irresponsible actions, police chief said, The innocent victim is now four months pregnant. "The results of the medical officer of the Rogojampi Health Center", victim is four months pregnant," he said.

Apart from securing the suspect, he continued, Police also secure evidence (BB), like a t-shirt, bra, mattress, and panties, victim's property.

"We have secured BB as evidence of the suspect's actions," he explained. Investigators apply Article 81 jo Article 82 Law (UU) Number 35 Year 2014 regarding Amendments to Law No 23 Year 2002, about child protection (PA) with a minimum sentence of five years in prison. (radar)

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