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Rima Murder Duo Charged 10 Year

EMOTION: Sabhara members tried to block the murder victim's family from entering the Banyuwangi District Court courtroom.
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EMOTION: Sabhara members tried to block the murder victim's family from entering the Banyuwangi District Court courtroom.

Victim's Family Angry, Desperate to attack the defendant

BANYUWANGI – Sidang lanjutan kasus pembunuhan Rima Lutfiasari, 16, in District Court (PN) Banyuwangi, was marred by violence yesterday. The two defendants are FI, 16, dan FA, 16, attacked by visitors who claimed to be the victim's family. The victim's family, numbering dozens of people, suddenly attacked FI and FA when they were taken out of the Banyuwangi District Court detention room to be taken to the main court room.. “You are a murderer. You're impudent!" shouted one of the victim's families while attacking FI who was tightly flanked by the officers.

Even though the officers had already arrested the two defendants, The victim's family continued to attack until the entrance to the main hall of the PN. FI, who was the target of the rampage, got out of the officers' hands and tried to run towards the courtroom. The victim's family is from Kedawung Hamlet, Sraten Village, Cluring Disadvantages, had an argument with the police. Even, Both sides were hit. "Please everyone calm down. Leave the legal process to the judge,"asked KBO Sabhara Banyuwangi Police Ipda Heru Purwanto to the victim's family who was anxious to enter the courtroom.

Meanwhile, agenda for the follow-up murder trial with defendant FI from Simbar Hamlet, Tampo Village, Cluring District, and FA, a resident of Wonosobo Village, Srono . District, is the reading of the charges by the public prosecutor (JPU). “The defendant is still a child, so the trial was closed,” said Semu, prosecutor who tried FI. Semu said, of the four charges that have been laid against the defendant, namely Article 340, chapter 338, chapter 351, and Article 365 verse 4, It turns out that the right article for the defendant is Article 365 verse 4.

It is based on the facts in the trial. “Killed because he wanted to get a motorbike," he explained. Based on the statements of five witnesses who were examined at the trial, FI was proven to be involved in the murder to obtain the victim's Honda Beat motorbike. For his actions, The prosecutor asked the panel of judges led by Made Sutrisna to sentence the defendant to a sentence 10 years in prison. Claims 10 the year in prison was also conveyed by the public prosecutor, Syahroli, which deals with FA matters. In the meeting with the agenda of the reading of demands, Syahroli said the defendant violated Article 365 verse 4 and asked the panel of judges to sentence the defendant 10 years in prison.

The two prosecutors admitted that the charges were based on several burdensome considerations, that is, his actions have taken the lives of other people and become the public's attention. "The act was done in a sadistic manner,” said Semu. A number of mitigating reasons, that is, the defendant regrets his actions, be frank during the hearing, and the defendant is still a child. “Claims 10 years in prison is in accordance with existing law, but we will still make a plea (defense),"said the legal advisor for the two defendants, Tomi Yudianto. (radar)

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