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Mubarok's Wood Warehouse Raided

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Massive Illegal Timber Raids in Kandangan Village

PESANGGARAN – Aparatgabungan Polres Banyuwangi, TNI AD, Pesanggaran Military Command, Marinar Lampon, and Perhutani South Banyuwangi, carried out a large-scale raid on illegal timber in Kandangan Village, Kecamatan Pesanggaran, yesterday afternoon. Hundreds of officers raided several houses of residents who were strongly suspected of storing illegal timber, including Mubarok's wood warehouse, former head of Kandangan Village.

Dear, when the authorities carried out operations in several residents' homes, many residents are not at home. Not only that, when joint officers inspect the contents of the house, apparently there is no wood. Most of the wood has been placed outside the house. “Except in Pak Mubarok's warehouse, kayunya ada di gudang dan tidak dikeluarkan.Tapi Pak Mubarok juga nggak ada di rumah,” kata Wakil Administrator Banyuwangi Selatan, Ketut Sukantawiyasa, to Jawa Pos Radar Banyuwangi yesterday.

Meski tidak ada orangnya, sejumlah kayu yang ditemukan di luar rumah penduduk itu, termasuk yang ada di gudang Mubarok, tetap diangkut aparat gabungan. Disinyalir, kayu jati dan kayu rimba tersebut ilegal. “Kita amankan dulu. Nanti kalau memang ada yang merasa kayu itu legal, ya silakan diurus dan silakan diambil,” tegas Ketut. Dalam operasi ter sebut, aparat b e r h a s i l mengamankan 490 ba tang kayu jati olahan dan160 batang kayu rimba olahan.

“Semua kita amankan dari rumah warga di Kandangan dan gudang Pak Mubarok," he said. Ketut tidak membantah jika operasi besar-besaran kemarin merupakan bentuk respons atas upaya penghadangan yang dilakukan warga ketika petugas melakukan kroscek tunggak kayu jati di Desa Kandangan beberapa waktu lalu Kala itu, aparat gabungan Pol res Banyuwangi, Polsek Pe sanggaran, dan Perhutani Ba nyuwangi Selatan, serta tim ahli dari Dinas Kehutanan dan Per tanian, melakukan kroscek ter hadap tunggak kayu jati yang katanya diklaim Didik Agus Rohman beli kepada warga.

"At that time, ketika kita mau melakukan kroscek tunggak kayu jati di areal Perhutani, ter nyata banyak warga yang ber kumpul dan kita anggap itu se bagai upaya penghadangan,” tan dasnya. Meanwhile, Mubarok ketika dikonfi rmasi mengaku sedang tidak ada di tempat ketika gudang kayunya didatangi aparat gabungan. “I happen to be right in Sukamade, But,” said Mu barok when contacted via cell phone yesterday evening.

Nevertheless, he admitted that all the wood taken by the authorities from his warehouse had valid ownership certificates. “I am now on my way to the police station to show the timber ownership certificate. It was time for surgery, My wife really can't show it because she doesn't know. I have the key,he said. Related to the large number of residents who a few days ago gathered to follow the officers to check the arrears, Baroque denied this as a form of deterrence.

Because, the arrival of hundreds of residents solely wanted to question the case of al marhum Suwoto, local residents who year 2003 It is suspected that he died as a result of being shot by a Perhutani official. At that time, kata Baroque, Perhutani promised to provide a scholarship to the son of the late Suwoto. “So just to ask that. Related many people gathered, because indeed there are members of the Suwoto family from the villages of Kandangan and Sarongan," he concluded. (radar)

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