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Case of Drug Police Sentenced to Four Years Guilty

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Brigadier Sigit Withdrawn by Polda
BANYUWANGI – Masih ingat dengan kasus narkoba yang menjerat Brigadir Sigit Dwi Susanto, member of the Banyuwangi Police three years ago? After being sentenced to four years and out of the Banyuwangi prison, the person concerned is fired or other sanctions.

Quietly, Residents of the beautiful Griya Housing, Klatak Village, Kalipuro Sub-district has even been transferred to work at the East Java Police Headquarters. Posisi Sigit bukannya “dikotak” tapi malah dapat tempat yang strategis. He is now a member of the East Java Police Satnarkoba. There is an impression, Sigit memang “diselamatkan” dari sanksi internal.

Who saved does not know. Definite, so parole from prison date 2 January 2015 then, the person concerned was not immediately submitted to the hearing of the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP). Sources at the Banyuwangi Police said:, Sigit disebut-sebut punya “orang kuat” di Polda jatim.

Proven, despite being sentenced to more than one year in a drug case, yang bersangkutan tetap “sakti”. We also don't know Mas, why can you easily move to the East Java Police,” ujar sumber koran ini yang diwanti-wanti tidak mau disebut namanya. With the move of Sigit to Polda, now a bad precedent for the Banyuwangi Police because they are not firm and seem to make fun of Sigit's code of ethics trial. Even though since being released on parole from prison, there is still time lag for the trial.

Facts, Sigit's case is not going to trial soon, but instead was quickly transferred to the East Java Regional Police. Reportedly, a number of anti-drug activist NGOs have also sent letters to a number of related agencies, there are no firm sanctions within the police force. 'Don't have to compare with other police officers who have been involved in drug cases. the sanctions for Sigit do seem light. A partner member of the Banyuwangi Police has been fired because of a drug case.

They are Brigadier Andik Triana and Brigadier Herman Supriyanto dated 6 March 2009, The second dismissal was officially announced by the Banyuwangi Police Chief who at that time was AKBP Rahmat Mulyana in a disciplinary ceremony at the Banyuwangi Police Headquarters hall.. Brigadier Andik was dishonorably dismissed after being proven involved in a drug abuse case last year 2008 then. The Banyuwangi District Court finally sentenced Brigadier Andik to a sentence 1,5 years in prison.

Whereas, Brigadier Herman sentenced to death 10 months in prison after being found to have stored drugs in his official residence. The dismissal of the two members was in accordance with the Decree No. 262/VIl/Police 2009 by date 31 March 2009. How did the Banyuwangi Police respond to the case of Brigadier Sigit?? Banyuwangi Deputy Chief of Police, Kompol Yoga Putra Prima Setya, said the case of Brigadier Sigit Dwi Susanto had been transferred to the East Java Regional Police..

This means that the KKEP trial against Brigadier Sigit Dwi Susanto will be held at the East Java Regional Police. Because the person concerned is actually already registered as a member of the East Java Regional Police. “Dia bukan lagi anggota Polres Banyuwangi tetapi Polda.” tegas Yoga. Brigadier Sigit's own membership as a member of the Banyuwangi Police died after the revelation of the secret telegram (TR) date 27 Open I. 2012. In the letter numbered STR 327/ lV/20l2/RO.SDM, Brigadier Sigit has been transferred to the Sub-Directorate Unit at the East Java Police's Narcotics Department.

This means the date the TR was issued, This former member of the Banyuwangi Police Satnarkoba has changed membership status. Besides that, in continuation. Brigadier Sigit just received a summons some time ago. This is why it can only be processed at the Polda level because of its membership status. And now, Brigadier Sigit is now carrying out his duties at the East Java Regional Police. Nevertheless, KKEP trial process against him will still be enforced.

Kompol Yoga asserts, It is because of this membership that Brigadier Sigit will be processed later directly at the East Java Regional Police. About when it will be held, This former Deputy Chief of Police of Probolinggo doesn't know it. “Pelaksanaan sidang kode etik sepenuhnya berada pada kewenangan atasan lansung di Polda jawa Timur” kata Yoga.

Just a reminder, Brigadier Sigit Dwi Susanto is threatened with inclusion in the KKEP trial. Previously, this police officer had been convicted in this drug abuse case. There are three choices of sanctions resulting from the KKEP trial later. First, mutations that are delusional outside the region. Second, honorable dismissal from the Police and the last is dishonorable discharge. In the trial process, if found guilty and sentenced to one of these sentences, Brigadier Sigit has the right to appeal the decision. (radar)

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