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Army Driven Fuel Truck

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Pertamina tank drivers who are members of AMT Banyuwangi give speeches at the entrance to the Tanjungwangi Pertamina Depot, Monday (19/6/2017)

Impact of the Tank Car Crew Strike Action

KALIPURO – Ratusan awak mobil tangki (AMT) oil fuel carrier (BBM) held a strike yesterday. The strike that took place in front of the PT . office. Pertamina Patra Niaga Tanjung Wangi, Kalipuro is a reaction to the termination of employment (PHK) unilaterally that befell hundreds of drivers.

The second claim, asked Pertamina to appoint all AMT crews to become permanent employees of PT. Pertamina Patra Niaga. Third, imposes a mandatory eight hours of work, the rest is counted as overtime hours.

“Masa depan para sopir ini tidak jelas kami ingin menjadi karyawan di PT Pertamina, not at PT. otsourcing,” tegas Sugiono, crew AMT. The tank drivers set up a tent in front of PT. Pertamina Patra Niaga Tanjung Wangi untuk melakukan aksci secara tertib dan tanpa anarki.

Mereka sudah mengantongi izin demo resmi dari pusat. Jika tuntutan tidak dipenuhi oleh Pertamina, aksi ini akan berjalan sampai 26 June 2017. “Kami akan terus menyuarakan aspirasi ini,” teriak Komarudin, humas aksi demo.

Aksi demo AMT serentak dilakukan di sepuluh kota di Indonesia. Kota tersebut meliputi Plumpang, Padalarang, Ujung Berung, Tasikmalaya, Tegal, Lampung, Banyuwangi, Surabaya, Makassar dan Merak.

“Demo ini kami gelar bersamaan agar PT Pertamina mendengar aspirasi kami para sopir tangki,” tegas Busairi, ketua AMT. Monitoring of Jawa Pos Radar Banyuwangi, aksi mogok ini memmang sudah dirancang sebelumnya.

Monday (19/6) o'clock 00.00, as much 140 sopir tangki berkumpul di depan Pertamina. Mereka mengandangkan truk tangki di area parkir. Para sopir itu sepakat tidak mau menjalankan kendaraan sebelum tuntutan dipenuhi.

As a replacement, pihak Pertamina meminta bantuan polisi dan TNI untuk menjalankan truk tersebut. Semula, sejumlah sopir sempat mengejar truk tersebut agar berhenti. However, perwakilan sopir mencegahnya sehingga truk tetap melaju ke arah selatan untuk mendistribusikan BBM.

O'clock 07.00, crew AMT menggelar orasi. Isi orasi seputar tuntutan yang harus dipenuhi Pertamina. Meski diwarnai orasi, aksi berjalan tertib. O'clock 10.00, Kapolsek Kalipuro AKP Supriyadi meminta perwakilan aksi demo melakukan mediasi bersama pihak otsorcing.

Mediasi pun digelar di Restauran Cen-cen ceria yang berlokasi tidak jauh dari tempat aksi demo. Dalam mediasi tersebut ada delapan orang perwakilan AMT didampingi oleh Fajrin dari Federasi Buruh Transportasi Pelabuhan Indonesia (FBTPI). Dari pihak perusahaan otsorcing juga ada Hendrix Sitompul selaku Direktur PT. Cahaya Andika Tamara.

The closed mediation was witnessed by the Head of Ops of the Banyuwangi Police, AKP Syamsudin, Kasat Sabhara AKP Basori Alwi, and Kapolsek Kalipuro AKP Supriyadi. “Kami arahkan perwakilan dari sopir tangki untuk melakukan mediasi di tempat yang sudah disediakan,” pinta AKP Supriyadi.

From the results of mediation carried out by both parties,, AMT conveys all aspirations related to demonstrations and problems in the field. The otsorcing party responded with open arms and provided information regarding the work contract that had been signed by both parties.

“Mereka sudah menjadi karyawantetap pem- knmian friend and not lmryranran contract again,” ungkap Hendrix Sitompul selaku Direktur PT. Cahaya Andika Tamara. Fajrin as the representative of FBTPI said, they have no problem with the otsorcing party. While what is desired is to discuss this issue with PT, Pertamina Patra Niaga related to the non-appointment of AMT as an employee at PT Pertamina Patra Niaga.

“Para Awak mobil tangki seharusnya mendapat haknya menjadi karyawan tetap di PT pertamina bukan di perusahaan otsourcing,” papar Fajrin. The AMT strike has no effect on the distribution of fuel to a number of gas stations. The tanker truck continues to operate because there is a backup driver who is assisted by the police and TNI.

PT Pertamina Banyuwangi has not been able to provide a response regarding the strike action of hundreds of drivers. “Kami akan menggelar doa bersama hingga sore sampai pukul 16.00. The demonstration will continue until tomorrow until the demands are met,” tegas Aldo Riski, public relations demonstration AMT.

Meanwhile, This means that the demonstration carried out by hundreds of AMT in front of Pertamina's office yesterday will certainly not interfere with the distribution of fuel to the public. Because, AMT who took the action was committed to being orderly and not disturbing the distribution of fuel to the community.

Area Manager Communication and Relations East Java Balinus Heppy Wulansari said, Pertamina has coordinated with PT. Patra Niaga to be able to solve their problems with AMT as best as possible.

Meanwhile, Pertamina has also made anticipatory efforts so that the distribution of fuel is not disrupted by the demonstration. It respects the submission of aspirations made by AMT and is expected to run in an orderly and safe manner. even so, Pertamina is also taking anticipatory measures to ensure that fuel distribution continues to run smoothly to all gas stations.

Among other things, by setting up a backup AMT to replace the AMT that did the demonstration, including coordinating with the apparatus for securing the BBM Terminal. "We are trying our best to be able to meet the people's fuel needs during this Eid, no matter what the situation is,” tegas Heppy. (radar)

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