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Residents of Lateng Hold a Parade to Commemorate the Prophet's Birthday

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BANYUWANGI – Dalam rangka memperingati Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW 1438 Hijri, RW community 1 Krajan Environment, Lateng Kelurahan Village, Banyuwangi city sub-district held a parade with the theme of da'wah in collaboration with art, Sunday (17/12).

The event was lively, hundreds of residents from RT 1 to RT 4 piled on the local streets dressed in various kinds of ancestral traditions, like a heron costume, the study uniform wrapped with a jilban is quite beautiful.

There are even those who wear the traditional costume of the Oseng community, namely a kebaya complete with a women's sarong or in the Javanese language, sewek.

Each of these mothers carries or carries a jar made of woven bamboo, which is placed on his head. And along the edges decorated with paper of various colors so it looks very nice. While in it, ada berbagai tempat hiasan yang di gunakan untuk menempelkan telur.

Ada pula anak anak kecil berpakaian putih putih yang di kepalanya terdapat biasan menyerupai kupu kupu. Sementara untuk bapak bapak, memanggul bambu yang di sulap menjadi benda yang biasa untuk tempat rumput makanan ternak. Bahkan di barisan depan, ada beberapa remaja yang berpakaian kostum layaknya perhelatan Banyuwangi Etno Carnival (BEC).

Selanjutnya mereka berjalan kaki di sepanjang jalan desa hingga ke kawasan jalan protokol sambil bersholawat. Dan kegiatan ini di lepas langsung oleh Lurah Lateng, Arief Baliawan.

“Ini adalah kegiatan rutin yang di gelar masyarakat setempat yang bedampak positif bagi generasi muda penerua bangsa, utamanya remaja masyarakat setempat,” ujar Lurah Arief.

"The commemoration of the Prophet's birthday which is celebrated with this parade is an effort of the community in appreciating the struggle of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him for the happiness of the world and the hereafter.,” he added.

Arief confessed, the local community was very enthusiastic about participating in the parade which was self-help. This is considered as the main capital for his party in order to mobilize community participation in the environment-based development process.

"Forward, This environment will be used as a model for other areas in the Lateng Village environment for environmental life,said Arief.

Because, here it has been proven that there is a lot of creativity being rolled out by local youth, such as art and other potentials including the Prophet's Birthday parade which 80 percent of it is done by young people.

That's why, as a form of appreciation, Arief promised to install lights along the streets in the Krajan area so that young people feel at home living in his area.

"Because young people need further guidance to develop and explore their potential so that they are well organized," he concluded.

After a few minutes off the Village Head Arief Baliawan, suddenly in the local area in a fairly heavy rain. However, this did not dampen the enthusiasm of the residents to keep going, showcase their creations.

Meanwhile at night, at the peak of the commemoration of the Prophet's Birthday at the Al-Ikhlas mosque, by presenting a preacher.

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