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Standard Imitation of Various Animal Sounds

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standardIf "Indonesia Looking for Talent" belongs to Hudson, Banyuwangi has a versatile musician named Suliyono, 28. The personnel of the Al-Mumtaz religious music group are skilled at imitating various sounds and are able to churn the audience's stomach.

The tears of several women could not be stopped when the religious music group Al-Mumtaz performed that morning (7/7). Not only because the meaning of the lyrics of the songs they present are so deep. There are other things that make a number of recitation congregations and compensation for orphans in the context of birthdays (HUT) The 14th Jawa Pos Radar Banyuwangi was touched.

Because, the sound of music and singing that sounds serene is played by people with special needs. That's it. Except for the bass player who also plays the role of pem – guide Al-Mumtaz, All the personnel of this religious music group suffer from physical disorders. Some are blind, there are also those who can't.

Great, the performance of the group based at the LB Negeri Banyuwangi Middle School was no less good than the music group led by "perfect" people. Even, there are other things that make Al-Mumtaz have a plus compared to other religious music groups Yes, besides presenting spiritual songs, the band also often inserts jokes when performing on stage.

The same goes for what they present to the recitation congregation who throng the backyard of the Jawa Pos Radar Banyuwangi office., Jalan Yos Sudarso 83C, Klatak Village, Kalipuro District, Banyuwangi, the. After being invited to meditate through religious songs, the congregation who came from Gandung City and its surroundings laughed their heads off.

How not, in between lectures, builder of Khot mil Quran adz-Dzikri, HA. Wahyudi, suddenly commanded one of the Al-Mumtaz personnel, namely Suliyono, imitating the greeting typical of the famous speaker Zai nuddin MZ. Instantly, Suliyono greeted with the dialect of the preacher of a million people. "Assalamuailkum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,” he said, which was immediately greeted by laughter from the audience.

When the audience's laughter hasn't stopped, Suliyono continued his action. This time, man from Dusun Bulupayang, Bulusari Village, To Kalipuro district, it mimics Zainuddin MZ's style when delivering a lecture. happy, more than a thousand ja maah the studies are getting more and more hectic. As if not satisfied to churn the audience's stomach, Suliyono joked by singing a "duet" with himself.

This time, he sang a dangdut song called "Last Night". Even if you sing alone, The appearance of the blind man can be categorized as a duet. Pa salnya, besides singing with co wok's voice, Suliyono also acts as a female singer. “Her voice really resembles Rita Sugiarto (top national singer who skyrocketed in the 1980s),Syaifuddin said, editor of Jawa Pos Radar Banyuwangi.

Still not enough, The widower of one child who is fondly called Yon is back making the congregation of recitations and compensation for orphans laugh. How not, Su ara a rooster that is crowing until the voice of a hen that is ready to lay eggs he can imitate well. “The ability to imitate animal sounds, Zainuddin MZ, until I got the woman's voice by accident," he said.

It says, Jokes like that are often shown on the stage of the religious music group Al-Mumtaz. Because, almost all of Al-Mumtaz's gigs are accompanying religious recitations or lectures. "We deliberately interspersed with jokes so that the recitation congregation would not get bored and their minds would be fresh again. Thus, the material presented by the speaker can sink deeper into the hearts of the congregation,” papar Yon.

Meanwhile, in the music group Al-Mum taz, Yon is believed to hold a keyboard musical instrument. Again this one man makes us flabbergasted. Because, even though he suffers from blindness, he is good at playing this instrument. Great again, he's just learning to play the keyboard around 1,5 last year.

“I just learned to play the keyboard since joining Al-Mumtaz around 1,5 last year,he said. According to Suliyono, with strong intentions, there's nothing that can't be learned. "Depends on intention. If we really mean it, sure- Our God will have the ability we desire," he concluded. (c1/fly)picture