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Served by Three Gynecologists

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kill meEasy Service Procedure, Patients don't have to queue for a long time

ROOFTILE – Al Huda Genteng Hospital (RSAH) provide convenience services in obstetrics and gynecology clinics by presenting three obstetricians. Among them dr. H. Three Suastonos, Sp.OG, dr. Heru Purnomo Nugroho,Sp.OG serta dr. M. Novan Aff andy, Sp.OG. This was conveyed by Dr. Suryadinata, Al Huda Hospital Outpatient Installation Manager.

He explained, By presenting three obstetricians, it is hoped that they can provide more time and faster services. With easy service procedures, it is hoped that patients can be served quickly without having to wait long. Patients can register directly at Al Huda Hospital or register by telephone.

“Petugas pendaftaran akan mencatat dan memberikan nomer antrean kepada pasien serta memberikan kisaran waktu kunjungan ke RS. Sehingga pasien dapat hadir ke rumah sakit tepat pada waktu yang ditentukan supaya tidak antre lama,he explained. Masih menurut Surya, layanan di klinik kebidanan dan kandungan RSAH meliputi Pemeriksaan Kehamilan, Screening Antenatal dengan USG 4 Dimensions, Pemeriksaan Gynecologi, Papsmear, Pemeriksaan dengan alat Colposcopy, Konsultasi & Pelayanan Kontrasepsi.

“Setiap ibu hamil sebaiknya secara rutin dan berkala memeriksakan dirinya dari awal kehamilan hingga proses persalinan ke bidan setempat atau ke dokter kandungan untuk memonitor kesehatan ibu dan janin agar tercapai kehamilan yang optimal,He said. Furthermore, Surya conveyed that with the support of adequate equipment for almost all obstetric and gynecological problems in women and the presence of three experienced obstetricians, It is hoped that not only pregnant women can take advantage of it.

However, all patients with obstetrical problems can get satisfactory health services. “With an ultrasound device equipped with ultrasound 4 Dimensions and Transvaginal Ultrasound, it is hoped that the diagnosis of obstetric and gynecological problems can be diagnosed correctly," he said. For information and registration of obstetric and midwifery clinic patients, you can go through the outpatient registration section of Al Huda Hospital, on Jl. Raya Gambiran No. 225 Banyuwangi tile. (radar)