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Spreading the Bomb Issue, Tighten Port

The police checked the luggage and contents of the vehicle's cargo at the entrance to the Ketapang ASDP port, Kaipuro District, Banyuwangi, yesterday (9-9).
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The police checked the luggage and contents of the vehicle's cargo at the entrance to the Ketapang ASDP port, Kaipuro District, Banyuwangi, yesterday (9-9).

BANYUWANGI – Setelah temuan bom mainan di dekat objek tambang emas Pesanggaran pekan lalu (3/9), the police are on alert. Since yesterday (9/9), security forces tightened the security of Ketapang Port's vital objects.

The results of monitoring by journalists from Jawa Pos Radar Banyuwangi yesterday, members of the Tanjung Wangi Port Area police (KPT) tighten the entrance to Ketapang Port. This is related to the rise of bomb spreaders in Banyuwangi, southern region.

Don't want to be missed, the KPT began inspecting all units of private vehicles and boxed vehicles. The officers checked the contents of the bags and luggage of all vehicles that were going to cross to the Island of the Gods.

The investigation is not only focused on the bomb issue, but also check luggage related to alcohol and suspicious items.

“Kegiatan ini merupakan operasi rutin harian dan sekarang lebih diperketat karena banyak beredar isu bom di Banyuwangi,” ucap Aiptu Ahmad Holid, member of KPT Tanjung Wangi KPT will tighten supervision and safeguard the flow of passengers and goods in and out at the Ketapang Port to prevent illegal logging from outside the area.

“Secara khusus bahan peledak seperti petasan atau mercon yang daya ledakannya sangat besar. If found, we will immediately secure it. If it's against the rules, We will process according to the applicable law,” ungkap Kapolsek KPT AKP Sudarmaji.

The police have often secured prohibited items such as alcoholic beverages, sharp weapon, and drugs. “Orang mabuk juga tidak diperkenankan masuk ke area pelabuhan,” cetus Sudarmaji.

The police chief appealed to the public or fellow passengers to assist officers in supervising anything suspicious. “Segera diinformasikan kepada petugas, especially if you find explosives that will threaten the safety of many people if misused,” papar Sudarmaji.

In addition, prospective ship passengers also do not feel disturbed by these activities. Instead, they support the activities carried out by KPT officers. “Yes, with this activity we feel safer and avoid all kinds of crime,” tandas Mulyanto (40), commercial car driver. (radar)

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