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Banyuwangi Students can Enjoy Free Tuition at ISI Solo

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BANYUWANGI – Pemkab Banyuwangi menjalin kerja sama dengan Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Solo through the Smart Banyuwangi Scholarship program so that students from Gandrung City can study for free.

“Jadi anak-anak muda Banyuwangi bisa memperdalam ilmu seni di ISI Solo. Please choose which one, can learn dance, ethnomusicology, visual communication design, television and film, theater so far, and several more majors available,” ujar ujar Bupati Banyuwangi Abdullah Azwar Anas, Saturday (6/7/2018).

It explains, Banyuwangi people are known to have a high artistic spirit, Of course it would be very good if it was supported by young people who have knowledge about arts and culture so that arts and culture can be of better quality and have good management..

Because of this, the party continues to expand the reach of cooperation with various universities, including ISI Solo to facilitate free tuition for young people in the area.

Collaboration with ISI Solo adds to the list of campuses that have synergized with the Banyuwangi Regency Government to become a learning destination for local young people. Another synergy is with Airlangga University, University of Jember, Jember State Islamic Institute, and the Open University. Apart from free tuition fees, they also receive an allowance of IDR 600 thousand per month.

Outside those campuses, Banyuwangi young people can still apply for scholarships through the education department. Apart from campuses that have collaborated, The Smart Banyuwangi Scholarship has funded young Banyuwangi students studying at ITS, Brawijaya University, University 17 August, UI, IPB, UGM, and ITB.

For native Banyuwangi students studying outside campus who have collaborated, Scholarships are awarded in one disbursement. “Kita lihat kebutuhannya, some were given scholarships of IDR 6 million, Rp. 7 million, Rp. 10 million,” kata Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Pemkab Banyuwangi, Sulihtiyono.

Since 2011, he said, has been more than 750 Banyuwangi young people are lectured at various campuses, both in Banyuwangi and outside the area.

“Tahun ini kami tambah lagi 75 young adult. And in the future it will continue to be added. The total funds that have been disbursed so far are around IDR 16 billion,said Sulihtiyono.

To join this program, Prospective participants can register on the Smart Banyuwangi website on the page. Especially for study registration at ISI Solo, it is open 29 June to 11 July 2018.

“Kami imbau adik-adik segera mendaftar karena tinggal beberapa hari lagi. This adjusts the study registration schedule at ISI Solo,said Sulihtiyono.

ISI Solo has 11 majors to choose from, namely musical art, puppetry art, theater so far, department, ethnomusicology, design interior, television and film, artistic crafts, photography, pure fine art, and visual communication design.

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