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Doesn't Match Foundation Management, 14 MTs Al Ishlah Teacher Muncar Resigns

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MUNCAR – Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al Ishlah in Dusun Muncar Baru, Tembokrejo Village, Muncar District, Banyuwangi Regency, rocked by trouble. In the new school year 2018/2019 this, as much 14 teachers including principals, stated that he resigned because he felt that he did not fit in with the management of the Al Husniyyah Foundation.

With the resignation of those teachers and principals, almost exhausted the teaching staff at the madrasa. So far, in a school whose building is quite majestic with two floors it only has 19 teachers.

“I resign with the teachers, We do this because there is no understanding between the school and the foundation,"Said the head of MTs Al Ishlah, Sarengat.

According to Sarengat, the teaching staff deliberately resigned because what they were doing was not in line with what the foundation wanted. “Teachers and foundations don't get along, it's not that we demand the contract to be extended,He said.

even though, he continued, schools and foundations can organize or develop schools if they can work together. But, the foundation is considered to have interfered far enough. What the school does, always considered wrong by the foundation.

“One of them is that the foundation always uses consultants for madrasa development," he said.

So that, he still said, the movement of teachers is less free and is always regulated by the foundation. even though, the teachers also want to advance madrasas.

"Should, they (foundation) did not continue to interfere in the affairs of the madrasah, I am already very responsible and willing to resign if I make a mistake," he said.

The teachers who resigned, light him, no longer able to withstand the treatment of the foundation. One of them, when there is a teacher who gives bad grades, the foundation threatens the work contract will not be renewed.

“With that threat, teacher's conscience revolted, they fight and are willing to give up their positions in the madrasa," he said.

Chairman of the Al Husniyyah Muncar Foundation, Joko Al Husniyah through the Head of Division (Head of Division) Education Eka Susianti, when confirmed, said that this matter was the one who had the authority to answer the head of the foundation. It is just, Currently the chairman of the foundation is outside.

"The man is still out, maybe tomorrow we can meet and confirm directly,"said Eka Susanti who is also the wife of the chairman of the Al Husniyyah Muncar Foundation, Joko Al Husniyah.

Eka admits that he is busy and has a lot of work to do. So that, can't give an answer regarding the withdrawal 14 teachers including the principal of that school. "I am still busy, many people are waiting for me," he said while taking the guest book.

Eka who claims to be busy, Turns out he's doing an interview with a new teacher candidate. And ask to come back today. “Please come back tomorrow morning alone,"asked the son-in-law of the Muncar herbal medicine boss, H Kusni itu.