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Three Months Running away after molesting his own grandson, Grandpa in Banyuwangi Surrender to Police

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Perpetrators of sexual abuse of minors are detained at the Kalibaru Police. (Photo:

A grandfather with the initials HD, a resident of Kalibaru District, Banyuwangi Regency finally surrendered to the police after fleeing for approximately 3 month.

Grandpa aged 58 The girl ran away after molesting her own grandson who was aged 7 year with initials C. The victim's parents who did not accept reported this case to the Sector Police (police station) Kalibaru.

Sector Police Chief (police chief) Kalibaru, AKP Abdul Jabar confirmed the perpetrator surrendered to the local police.

“The perpetrator has turned himself in around the clock 19.00 WIB,” said AKP Abdul Jabbar, Thursday 10 March 2022.

Known, the obscenity case occurred on Wednesday 21 December 2021 then. At that time, the victim was playing at the suspect's house. Seeing the condition of the quiet house, The suspect immediately launched a lewd act.

sadly, the action of the perpetrator was seen by the neighbors. The witness then informed the victim's biological mother.

This case was revealed after the victim admitted that her own grandfather had molested her when her parents asked questions.

Knowing that, The victim's parents immediately reported the case to the Kalibaru Police.

Knowing what he did was known to the family and the police, The suspect then chose to run away.

After 3 the moon fled and hid, The suspect finally returned to his home in the Kalibaru sub-district on Thursday 10 March 2022 around the clock 18.30 WIB with a face full of regret.

At that time the suspect's return was known to the village head (Disappeared) local. After being interrogated, The suspect admits that he is ready to take responsibility for his actions.

“After that, the suspect surrendered to the Kalibaru Police, accompanied by the local Kadus,” bright AKP Jabar.

Meanwhile, The police also secured a number of pieces of evidence in the case. And for his actions, the suspect is subject to Perpu No 1 Year 2016 concerning the Second Amendment to Law No 23 Year 2002 about Child Protection.