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Baznas Guides Dozens of Converts

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BANYUWANGI- As much 12 Converts from the Banyuwangi City area gathered at the Islamic Boarding School (Islamic boarding school) Al-An-wari, Kertosari Village, Banyuwangi, Sunday (10/4), yesterday. Dozens of converts came to the boarding school under KH. Achmad Sidiq alias Gus Sidiq to deepen and understand faith.

The arrival of the converts was accompanied by the Converts Council (M2) which was initiated by Baznas Banyuwangi. Coordinator of M2 Baznas Banyuwangi, Supriyanto said, actually there are approx 42 converts recorded by the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) Banyuwangi.

However, in yesterday's activity just there 12 coming. The activities carried out yesterday were aimed at deepening the faith and strengthening the priesthood, especially for the converts. It is hoped that the guided converts are not mistaken and wrong in applying religious teachings.

“Kegiatan meliputi tanya jawab terkait salat, learn to read the Qur'an and stories about the stories of the prophets, “ujar Supriyanto. Most of the converts who came to the activity yesterday had embraced Islam for a long time.

However, they find it difficult to learn more about Islam because they don't know where to get it. Therefore, BAZNAS formed M2 so that it could become a forum for converts who wish to deepen their religious knowledge.

“Mereka jadi mualaf kebanyakan sudah lama. But they rarely learn to deepen the knowledge of religion. Hopefully, with the activities initiated by Baznas, we can guide converts to learn about Islam, Supriyanto said.

Supriyanto added, programs implemented to guide converts to Islam are still being followed. Because it's still early, converts so far are still guided about the basics of how to recite and most importantly how to pray and the verses they read.

“Bimbingan kepada mualaf ini akan terus kami lakukan. We will tour every district. In addition to being given guidance, these converts also get compensation,” tambalmya. For converts who want to learn about religion and the difficulties to get, his party opens wide for converts who want to deepen their knowledge of Islam to M2 Baznas Banyuwangi.

For those in the Banyuwangi District area, You can also come to Al-Anwari Islamic Boarding School which is located at Jalan KH. Abdul Wahid No 25, Kertosari Village. “Kita juga siap untuk dipanggil ke rumah para mualaf untuk membimbing tentang agama Isalam,” terang pria yang juga staf administrasi KUA Rogojampi ini.

Chairman of the Banyuwangi Baznas Commissioner, Samsudin Adlawi said, the program being implemented is a form of Baznas' concern for converts to converts in Banyuwangi. “Kami ingin mendampingi saudara-saudara baru kami sampai mereka benar-benar bisa memahami dan menjalankan imannya yang baru, ” ujar Samsudin yang juga Direktur Jawa Pos Radar Banyuwangi tersebut.

For converts who want to study religion, you can contact the M2 coordinator or you can come or call the telephone number of the Basnaz Banyuwangi secretariat office. For the time being, guidance on religion for converts will be held for two weeks.

“Kami melihat selama ini ada kesan kalau para mualaf setelah ikrar tidak ada yang membimbing. They learn on their own. Baznas doesn't want them to feel alone. When I proposed that Baznas Banyuwangi commissioners become friends of converts, Alhamdulillah they are willing to support,” pungkas pria yang tidak mau dihonor sebagai ketu Baznas ini. (radar)

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