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Argue, Banyuwangi Teens Flap Neighbor's Jaws Until the Victim's Teeth Fall Out

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This Banyuwangi teenager abuses his own neighbor [Photo: Suarajatimpost]

The persecution case occurred in Krajan Hamlet, Banyuanyar Village, Kalibaru District, Banyuwangi. The perpetrator was a teenager with the initials J (19).

This teenager abused his own neighbor with the initials MA (26). Starting from a fight, the two then fought on Jalan Raya Jember-Banyuwangi.

As conveyed by the Kalibaru Police Chief AKP Abdul Jabar. It explains, This incident occurred on Monday 20 September 2021, It started when the two of them got into an argument in Kajarharjo Village, Kalibaru District.

Because the victim was hot and then pushed his motorbike until it hit the suspect. Not accepting it, the suspect immediately threw a punch to the jaw causing the victim's teeth to fall out.

“Korban berusaha membela diri dengan mengayunkan tangannya ke arah tersangka hingga pipinya tergores kuku korban,He said, as quoted from, media network, Monday (27/9/2021).

The suspect is getting emotional, he said, until the fighting continues. The suspect again threw his raw fist at the victim several times.

“Akibat dari kejadian ini korban mengalami patah gigi bagian atas dan luka pada bibir bagian dalam,” ujar dia.
For the incident of the crime of persecution, suspect charged 351 verse 1,2 KUHP.

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